dead quiet

I read this a lot that one's system is dead quiet..Is this at all possible when playing phono? what does it really mean?
Albertporter...It's hard to find any combination of letters which is not already an acronym for something. Do you have a better suggestion for when we go over the top?
I still don't know what IAP stands for in your post.

Typed into my search engine, Internet Access Point is the answer I got, so I made a joke hoping you would clarify.
Albertporter - IAP = "Irrational Audiophile Paranoia" . . it was coined by Eldartford in his first post to this thread.
Eldarford... The object of the game here in Audiophilia, is to get the purest signal devoid of any artifacts of any kind. One of the reasons that a 15000 dollar amp is better than a 1500 dollar amp is that the parts are better...that is faster (don't hold on to the signal as long), wider, and smoother bandwidth, etc. A component is said to be good when it passes only the intended replication of (let's say the violin). When the purity of the violin's E-string has a 60 cycle modulating tone along with ain't so pure. One of the things that good stereo systems do is to stop playing...that is - there are silences between the notes. Hum and noise simply fills in those silences and blurs things. A very important spec specified on evalutaion sheets is the hum/noise level below signal. No - I must stand by my statement above.