Raven AC one motor

The standard Raven AC has no mat, only copper.

Has anybody done any testing to see if any mats out there can improve (? possible?) the Raven AC?

Thanks for comments.
Hi, I don't have a TW but have used the Boston mat1. The main character of this mat is that it roll's off the highs too much. That's why i sold it. The Boston sounds slow and sluggish. Good for bright sounding turntables.

If you want a nice sounding combo, try the Harmonix TU-800exi mat along with an HRS clamp
I am a big fan of the plain copper platter over most mats. I do prefer the Living Voice mystic mat over all other mats I have tried including the Boston Mat & Millenium but based on further listening tests, different mats can be used to "fine tune" different LPs/recordings. On a different note, you can use the RSR outer ring w. the TW. It does make a substantial improvement, but I never use mine. It interferes w. the Phantom and you need to move the Phantom out of the way to use it. I think the 9.5 inch Phantom would solve that.
In the UK, the Raven one used to come with the Millenium mat and counterweight, now it does'nt. The distributor, who is very experinced, feels neither is necessary. I imagine he stopped including them to reduce costs, the £ abd $ are falling against the Euro. I must say I am very happy with the basic Raven one, but I found, even with a wall shelf, stillpoints are a clear improvement over millenium feet. The table can be supplied as you know, with OEM stillpoint feet