Rega Elys II cartridge: Is it worth the money??

I am considering buying a Rega P3-24, but am not sold on Rega's cartridge, Elys II. I have read very little about it, except it being mentioned in last month's Absolute Sound review of the P-3-24. How does it stack up against the Dynavector 10X5, or either the Sumiko Blue Point#2 or the Sumiko EvoIII. The EVO and Dynavector are about $100 more in price and both are high output moving coils. The ElysII is a moving magnet. Need some input about this cartridge and whether it is competitive.
Bear in mind that Audiofeil refers to Koetsu cartridges as "dinosaurs." Which means, it seems safe to say, that he is a dealer neither for Rega nor Koetsu.
Audiofeil's answer illustrate what is wrong with the hi-end today.

jelous dealer who will try to sell their products and try to kill the competitors no matter what.

Rega is run by a passionate group of 'proper' engineers,not by ex-hifi salesmen who think that they know everything ,hence start a hi-fi company

It also just show how little the word heritage ,and the importance of properly engineered products,are appreciated by people in the frontline of hi-fi ;the dealers.
That is correct Dopogue but if you read some of my other posts there are products I endorse not in my line.

You failed to mention that.

Conveniently I might add.
Sorry, Audiofeil, I haven't kept up with what you sell and what you don't sell. Didn't know I was supposed to.
I've owned lots of products built by high end audio manufacturers, among which is Rega. I have only good things to say about their products. They perform well, are cost effective, and have great durability. I would rank them near the top of trusted manufacturers.