rega 3-24 verses other similiar priced tables

I have an old planar 2 table and wondering if upgrading to 3-24 is worth the price.Also curious to hear opinions on music hall and vpi in the rega 3-24 price range.
a new 3-24 gets you a lot of what used to cost much more money in the P5 - namely the power supply unit. It not only allows on-the-fly switching between 33 and 45, but is much more speed stable. I think the 3 - which I've listened to compared to the 5 would be a nice upgrade from the 2, but the 3-24 would be jumping two generations and might very well content you for a longer period. YMMV
I would get the VPI..then you can always add upgrades to it to make it even better if you wish.
The poster asked what tables in the price range of the P3/24 should be considered. That rules out any new VPI.

The P3/24 would be quite a step up from the older Planar model. The new 24V motor is a much better unit than the older Planar model, not to mention the poor mounting scheme of the Planar motor. As mentioned, the power supply could also enhance the performance of the P3/24.

I would go for a P5 if you can swing it, better arm and more visually appealing if that matters to you. The P5 is a better comparison to a Scout and I'd still go for a P5 over the Scout. I own a P5, also an older P3. I always have a couple of Rega tables in play, great value in my opinion.
Try to get a copy of last month's Stereophile, and read Fremer's review of the P3/24. He seems to love it, especially with the upgraded power supply and the Exact II cartridge. Good Luck and Happy Listening !
Frank_SM The P5 is 1295 and the VPI with JMW 9 tonearm is 1600. We are saying the same sqeeze a bit more from the pocketbook and get a bit more turntable. I don't doubt you like your Rega, I have a P25 for years and like it too...the fact is that the VPI or Nottingham sound a bit different and to me are an alternative for Danovak's perusal.