Own a TW-Acustic Raven One?

Do you own a TW-Acustic Raven One? What are your impressions so far? What did it replace? How does it compare to the VPI tables; the Aries 3, SuperScoutMaster?
Stiltskin is correct.

The Raven One is heads and tails above anything VPI makes.

And you're not stuck with a VPI tonearm.

what were the differences you heard between the two? What was it about the Raven that you liked so much better than the Aries?
Bill, you know that you aren't "stuck" with VPI's arms on their tables. All can be ordered without an arm. That being said, I've never heard the Raven but have heard good things about it.
I understand that TW-Acustic will be at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest; guess that I will get to hear one myself (if I can get through the crowd)!
I guess I have the specific experience you seek. I had fully accessorized scoutmaster with the motor controller, center weight and ring clamp and the 9 signature arm. The VPI was very enjoyable, buy when I heard top shelf analog front ends like the Basis Debut, SME 30, Raven AC3, Walker I realized there was so much more music than I was hearing with my VPI. I upgraded to a Raven One
( couldn't spring for the extra $ for the AC) with a Graham Phantom and the difference was hard to believe!! The Raven was just so real in its' musical portrayal. It was the first time in my 30 years as an audiophile that any component accurately portrayed real instruments and voices as I heard them as a concert percussionist in my earlier years. It's not a matter of audiophile goodies (although they're there), but a true and authentic portrayal of the true essence of instrumental and vocal tonality, attack and decay of real notes and
timing and pace of authentic musical performance. A stunning achievement in a 5-6K table. I can assure you, the upgrade is the most musically significant change I've made. You can be most comfortable in the value of this table.