Own a TW-Acustic Raven One?

Do you own a TW-Acustic Raven One? What are your impressions so far? What did it replace? How does it compare to the VPI tables; the Aries 3, SuperScoutMaster?
Stickman451, if you are considering alternative tables, take the DPS turntable into account as well. Different flavor than the Raven but equally good. Also, the Galibier and Verdier tables are impressive.
I changed from another table with a strong reputation, the Origin Live Resolution with Illustrious arm and the TW one is way ahead in the ways described. The point seems to be attention to detail and solid engineering. It is just well made, seems right. Looking at the belt, Thomas says he spent years looking at different materials.
The core of it's strength to me, is the motor and power supply, it runs rock steady, which seems the basis of its neutral, detailed performance. As an example of build quality, the bearing needs a tiny spray of oil only and the platter took 5 minutes to sink on the spindle, tolerances are so tight. I have been using the basic Jelco arm, but am having the Ortofon 212D fitted next week. That is the arm Thomas uses and recommends for the one.
I spoke to him at the UK Heathrow show and he is coming to Rocky Mountain, hopefully with his new arm. Unfortunately, it is going to retail for 5 to 6000 Euros, too much for me.
I'm patiently waiting for my Raven One to turn up. Last few weeks has not been easy and i have a few more to go.
Reading this thread has been reassuring as i'm buying it unheard due to lack of dealership in town.

I contemplated getting a Scoutmaster (US$4200) at one stage but the high price charged by the importer was a turn off in the end.

Melbourne, Oz
TW products have been intiguing to me based on other's accounts although I've never heard one. I'm sure they're great. It's hard to make a judgement though based on a comparison with VPI made by someone who expresses evidence of a pre-existing bias against VPI products. In my opinion, that undermines the credibility of the comparison from the get go. Yes, I'm a VPI owner and fan. What we're dealing with in the end is personal preferrences and taste. When attempting to objectively describe a subjective experience, lack of bias is essential for the comparison to have any meaning. Sorry, just my opinion.
Has anyone compared the TW tables to other mass loaded tables like Teres or Galibier? I have a Teres 255 and may pursue an upgrade if I thought it would be worth it.