Own a TW-Acustic Raven One?

Do you own a TW-Acustic Raven One? What are your impressions so far? What did it replace? How does it compare to the VPI tables; the Aries 3, SuperScoutMaster?
TW products have been intiguing to me based on other's accounts although I've never heard one. I'm sure they're great. It's hard to make a judgement though based on a comparison with VPI made by someone who expresses evidence of a pre-existing bias against VPI products. In my opinion, that undermines the credibility of the comparison from the get go. Yes, I'm a VPI owner and fan. What we're dealing with in the end is personal preferrences and taste. When attempting to objectively describe a subjective experience, lack of bias is essential for the comparison to have any meaning. Sorry, just my opinion.
Has anyone compared the TW tables to other mass loaded tables like Teres or Galibier? I have a Teres 255 and may pursue an upgrade if I thought it would be worth it.
I've had two VPI tables and neither had any problems with build quality or finish. They are solid, well made, and the Aries 3 is a true work of art, beautifully built and a solid 85lbs! No loose arms or anything like that!!!

This whole thread for me is about real differences owners have heard and hear in their systems that contain a new Raven One vs. VPI tables like the Aries and the Super ScoutMaster that they may have owned or actually compared side by side. I am just curious about the differences they have noticed overall. If you feel the Raven One is a step above the VPI tables, then that's fine. This thread is not about bashing VPI...

I have read all over the net that the Raven One and the Raven AC truly sound as good or better than tables costing five or ten times as much. That gets my attention! I don't believe everything that I read, so if you have a Raven One and you know it is truly that good, then let us know!
I don't believe that there is any "musically meaningful" differences between many of the "better" tables out there!I'm talking about the host of really good ones on the market(which there are quite a few).
If the product is designed and made well,it will be the arm/cartridge/set-up persons skill level,that will ultimately determine how good your analog system will sound.

I've heard the Raven,and had no reason to doubt it's appeal,but the bad rapping of VPI is absolutely rediculous.I am speaking from a performance aspect,which to me means letting an LP sound as it should!

My experience with the latest VPI TNT/12.7 arm/Lyra Titan-i,all in a fabulous system at a very close friend(ART pre/phonostage etc),totally "speaks to the music"!....It is very reliable too,and holds it's settings!

Everyone is going to have their own preferrence(I own a Sota Cosmos IV and love it)but to bad rap an existing,and proven table(like the VPI's)because the designer continues to improve the product(at pretty fair pricing,btw)is rediculous!

Yes,as with ALL types of products,there will be the occassional lemon(don't I know "this"....don't ask),but VPI is NOT one to make bad stuff often enough to cause concern.

I'll bet a nice Transfiguration cartridge,that an A/B of the top VPI designs against the Raven is NOT going to be a big deal...assuming the other component parts are of high quality and the set-up man is "skilled"!

Just my opinion.


I have compared the TW Acustic to the Galibier and Teres (and many others). All three are excellent. It's not a question of better. It's really all about how each table matches your personal taste. To my mind, auditioning is critical prior to a decision. Sorta like choosing your favorite amongst three very good red wines.