Mistracking zyx after hibernating?

After about 6 months of rest, my Zyx 4D gold now breaks up on some piano notes and vocals. I had about 250 hrs on it when last played and it was tracking perfectly. I'm pretty sure that it sounded perfect the last time i heard it.

It sounds quite similar when it had less than 20 hrs on it. I haven't touched the tracking force (1.9 g) since then. Tonearm is SME on a michell deck.

Is it possible that it would need some breaking in again? Anyone with the same experience? I'm getting a bit Impatient and would really appreciate some input and reassurance so i can get some sleep again.

thanks in advance for your responses
This has happened to me before, you just have to break it in again with more vtf.

I did check the vtf and it was still 1.9 g. I have some particular records which I use to check tracking and they are pretty quiet but i'll let them go thru an RCM again.

I'll double check the other mounting parameters and will let you guys know.

BTW, I forgot to mention that I've been using an electric room dehumidifier. It's been raining here frequently and I'm getting this funny smell in my room so it's been on twice a week. Could this possibly affect the cart suspension?

I'm also thinking it could be the suspension firming up again after a bit of rest but as I said I'd rather hear your opinions and experiences.

Thanks again,
Got a Cardas Sweep, and Burn LP?
Run the burn in tracks for maybe 15 minutes a track, and then more importantly, run the Demag sweeps.
Thos should clear the cobwebs. Mark
What gauge are you measuring tracking force with? ZYX is very sens. to even the most minimal of adjustments. Don't just use a Shure scale. Get a nice digital guage.
Make sure your gauge is accurate to a tenth of a gram (preferably to a hundredth) and increase tracking force to 2 gms. and let me know. My ZYX sometimes mistracks at 1.9 but i have never had it do so at exactly 2 gms.
Excellent advice from all the above and yes, your 4D's suspension has firmed up from 6 months of non-use. My UNIverse can firm up audibly and require a slight VTF adjustment after a few hours of non-use, never mind months.

Run it in on the Cardas tracks as Markd51 suggested. Play some energetic stuff that's easier to track than piano or high quality vocals - hard rock or big cathedral organ both exercise a cartridge well, while being easier to track.

Then revisit the tough-to-track stuff with a willingness to tweak every parameter, every day. A ZYX, especially a higher end model, is not a set-and-forget cartridge. Like a Stradivarius, regular play and careful fine tuning are required to maintain its exceptional responsiveness.


P.S. Make sure your stylus is clean. The ZYX stylus has the smallest contact radii on the market. That contributes to its clear and extended HF response, great detail retrieval and the lowest inner groove distortion on the market. But this also means it takes less stylus grunge to send a ZYX sonically downhill. Magic Eraser + dry brush is the most reliable and effective method. Most commercial stylus cleaners are either ineffective or unsafe for maintaining this superb instrument.