Looking for a entry level audiophile turntable

I am looking for a good turntable under $1500. I not sure which way to go. Buy a new Sota Comet, Music Hall 5.1SE, Music Hall 7, Rega P3-24, Rega P5 or used VPI Scout or maybe something else?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Put a KAB/Technics table on your list. Fully modded with a nice cartridge it should be close to the others you mentioned. A few bucks left over for isolation and a few new lp's and you might be very happy. KAB service is great and resale is best in class. Although I have only heard the Music Hall 7 and the Rega P3-24 with my system the Technics was right there with both of them and I felt the overall ease of use and sound in general was better. I have been very happy with the MG5 and Goldring 1042 cartridge combo.
I've recently added a VPI Scout to my system and couldn't be happier. The cost was $2000 which included a Dynavector 10x5 mounted and ready to go. I'm not familiar with other tables so I can't offer a comparison, but my take is that your budget will get you into a very competent rig that will bring you much satisfaction.
Nottingham Interspace Jr. $1900. Spend a few extra bucks you will not regret it. It blows away everything on your list.
I would take the time to audition a VPI Scout; I had one for about a year and enjoyed it quite a bit! A very good table for the money!!! You can also find great deals on used Scouts right here on AudiogoN. Set it up on a nice 2" or 4" solid maple platform and it will sound even better...
I'd look hard at the Marantz at $1595 with Clearaudio ebony tonearm and matching Clearaudio ebony-bodied cartridge. A factory matched and mounted package is a smart way to start when you're getting into it for the first time (or the first time in a long time).

Another nomination would be the Funk turntable from Funk Firm ($859 + tonearm), and have Funk add the tonearm that fits your budget. It would be a Rega-based tonearm to fit your budget. The Funk is highly reviewed for having an unusual amount of drive and pace for its price.

You could definitely get a competitive package based on a Technics SL1200. The way to simplify it would be to have kabusa.com prepare a turntable for you. I would recommend the SL1200 mk2 with KAB fluid damper (+$150) and tonearm rewire ($+169). Consider the tonearm rewire mandatory unless you go upmarket and get the SL1210 M5G, which has audibly better tonearm wire (over the SL1200). You could have Kevin mount a Goldring 1022 or 1042 cartridge.

Then get some Threaded Brass Heavyfeet (thread size M6) from Mapleshade. These are direct screw-in replacements for the Technics feet. This is all well within your budget. The damped tonearm with rewire is surprisingly competitive, and when properly isolated, the Technics DD platform provides a very low noise platform with excellent speed accuracy and stability.

The Rega P5 is also a good candidate with a really excellent tonearm (RB700) at this price point.