Looking for a entry level audiophile turntable

I am looking for a good turntable under $1500. I not sure which way to go. Buy a new Sota Comet, Music Hall 5.1SE, Music Hall 7, Rega P3-24, Rega P5 or used VPI Scout or maybe something else?
Thanks in advance for your help.
If you'd consider going used, I got a Sota Star with the vacuum platter with an AQ6 arm well in your price range. Even twenty years old its a rock solid table. They're built like tanks.
Grimace, that combo is killer for the price. I purchased the same set-up about 12 years ago (for more than you're asking) and kept it until I had SOTA upgrade the table to a Nova Series V.
I want to thank everyone for their help. There were a lot of great suggestions. After a lot of consideration and research I ended up getting a used Sota Sapphire with Sumiko FT-3 Arm.
Now I am testing the cartridges I have and see which has the best sound. I have a Shure V15VxMR with a Soundsmith Ruby Cantilever and a Nude Contact Line Diamond retip. I also have a Ortofon 20, or I was thinking about getting a Sumiko Blackbird.
Thanks again for your help.

I'll bet the Soundsmith modded Shure will easily dust the Sumiko Blackbird which is quite ordinary considering its' price.

Save your money for something special.