2 channel Poll: Vote: Do you use Tubes or SS?

after using tubes for almost 12 years now, 2 of those using hybrids, i am now going to use Solid State amps for the 1st time in my audio life. Reasons? I have too many high maitanence things in my life (job,girlfriend car, not in any particular order) and can't see using 16 output tubes in addition to the 32 I use for source gear. So the question, of the memebers here, chime in, do you use SS or Tubes??

Btw: this isnt a Tubes vs SS is better thread.
I use both in my system, tube Audio Research preamp, ss Jeff Rowland amplifier and Herron Audio tube phono stage . I have had tubes since the mid 1960's and love the sound but currently ss amplifier works better for my lifestyle. I found that the Jeff Rowland amplifier is the best ss amp I have heard in my system.
I am usually exposed to live classical music weekly, so my ears stay in tune. This week 4 times. Monday was St. Petersburg Philharmonic/Temirkanov; this Thursday is the Beaux Arts Trio (Chamber), Friday is Baltimore Symphony (not Temirkanov), and Saturday is Choral; so a good mix.

Nothing compares to live music, so how do Tubes/SS compare to live to my ears? Tubes can tend to be bland and Solid State bright. Folks seem to primarily adjust tube gear by changing tubes; solid state by changing cables. I find it easier to get it pretty close to right with SS and cables. If I ever try tubes again, it will likely be a preamp only. For me the combination of tube pre and SS amp, can bring together the best of both worlds, without too much work/hastle.

All SS here.I've never used tubes in my life. I'd like to try a BAT vk-3i or vk-5i hybrid-tube amp on the used market, likely pairing it with a VK-200 or VK-500.
all decware amplification and the purity of sound is difficult to trade for anything. triodes all the way, and there are only 13 tubes in the entire amplification chain, including phono preamp. only about 5 watts per channel.
never again to solid state say i, except when i want to listen to raucous blues, then i hook up the ava ss amp i have lying around, sounds good for the loud stuff, but is no comparison on imaging/space/air/purity!
all this on cheapo new B&W 303s...great speakers!
I agree with Sugarbrie's philosophy and use a Sonic Frontiers Line 2 pre-amp (6 tubes) and a SS McCormack DNA2DX Rev. A amp. The tube pre is not much of a hassle (BTW, it's in for up-grade to SE as I write:>) and I even look forward to some "tube rolling", and the Rev. A McCormack has a very smooth "tube like" character to it.

I tried a SF Power 2 tube amp for 30 days and liked it's somewhat warm relaxed sound on "mellow" music, but when I put the McCormack back in my system, I realized it was no contest-- the DNA amp was much faster, more dynamic, had much better PRT, excelled at bass control, and is not fatiguing. For any fast tempo music I much preferred the McCormack.

I've now got Van. 5 speakers that have built in subwoofers and 400 watt amps to drive them from 125 HZ down, so I'd like to try a tube amp with the V5s, but my expectation is that a tube amp would still lack in the PRT department, and rhythm is very important to me. Cheers. Craig