Has any of you tried this for Cartridge break in

I unfortunately broke off the stylus of my cartridge. Mr Mehran has another on the way. My question is using a LP like On the Threshold of a Dream that has endless grooves at the end with music a good choice. I am going to try a ATMOS in place of my UNIverse on trial. Its going to be new and i want to get as much time on it as possible before i have to make a decision. Has any of you used this method for cartridge break in.
Also if any of you are using ATMOS let me no your thoughts.

I know most will want to know how this happened. For evacuation for Gustav i brought all of my system except my speakers. When we got back after a major cleanup i started putting my system back together. The turntable was last as its the most work. I had my Tri planar boxed with UNIverse still mounted. I installed the arm and noticed that the mono filament string that adjusts skating was off. Finding and replacing it i forgot to lock the arm down and the rest is history.
Sorry for your bad luck on the cartridge.
Hopefully you had no storm damage.
I would take such an accident as a sign from the ether.
Play records and not try to accelerate break in.
Too much risk.
ZYX sounds great out of the box.
I enjoy hearing such a fine device break in and evolve.
Best of luck.
I own the Atmos. It replaced my ZYX Yatra. Mine took about 70 hours to break in. The sound is fantastic. Very dynamic. Great on both jazz and rock. I agree with G m c. The Atmos sounds very good right out of the box. But be patient. It only gets better with time. don't rush it. enjoy the music and savor the changes.
Most cartridge suspensions are fully broken in at 50 hours give or take a few on either side.

Just play music.

I blew out a Zyx Universe stylus a few years ago. Remarkably a friend of mine did the very same thing on the next day.
