Good cartridge for playing rock

I am looking for a good cartridge to play rock. I have a Sota Sapphire Sumiko PT-3.
Thanks in advance

Looks like you are already on the right track, not too expensive, and high quality. I currently have a Blackbird and love it.
Actually, you may want to listen to Thomasheisig, if you look at his rig, he has probably forgotten more about cartridges than most of us will ever know.

Go with the experts.
Sorry Elevick, I can't answer this one. I can honestly say I've never listened to a rock and roll album on my table. Well, Us3, but I think of that as 3/4 jazz anyway.

But for what its worth, I have a Star Saphire with a AQ PT6, which I believe is similar to the Sumiko arm (both rebadged Jelco arms?). I'm using an Audioquest OC-9 cartridge wich I like, but it might be too smooth for R&R.
I recommend the Shure M97xE (at 47 k resistive loading). That cartridge handles particularly 'hot cut' rock albums very well. Regards, Fap.