Best Turntable/arm/cartridge system for $30k

I have finally decided to take the plunge into the Analog world. My current source is Accuphase Transport/DAC 100/101. This combo is the best player money can buy when playing SACD but a letdown when playing CDs. I have yet to come across a CD player that can make CDs sound musical and involving. Not even the latest DCS or Emmlab gears can achieve that. I will probably stop buying CDs altogether and focus on LPs collection instead. Any recommendations?
If you take away one zero, there might be some reasonable recommendations for specific units (complete, or separate TT, TA, cart,) but at $30K there are just TOO MANY great rigs you could put together!

Not knowing your musical tastes (if specific) or your preferences for placement/operation of a TT, or what kind of phono preamplification you're prepared to provide (or possibly already have in your existing preamp) anyone who would try to advise you at this point would be doing you a disservice IMO.

I'll say this: if you're just starting out in vinylog, I'd suggest you avoid the high-ticket stuff for now, and get a (quality) entry-level unit from Music Direct, or Acoustic Sounds, and spend a little more time with the medium. After a while, you'll learn what the different kinds of (higher priced) hardware can/can't do, and you'll probably be able to make up your own mind; or at least ask specific questions about specific gear.
The world is your oyster for $30000.

Personally, I'd take a look at some of the better Soundsmith cartridges if I were looking to shoot the works on an analog setup.

Or you could get a great rig for 1/10th the cost with a little research and do something else nice with all the money you save.

If you can't find a CD player that makes things sound musical and involving, there may be other things to take a look at in your system.

Or, you may just have much more sensitive ears than I.
I'd recommend not taking a $30k plunge. Vinyl may not turn out to be your bag. It's the best format available for music (IMHO), but it is labor intensive compared to other formats. You might not care for all the cleaning, changing sides, mounting/aligning cartridges, etc.

Since I assume you've got $30k discretionary to spend (good for you!) then you probably wouldn't care if you bought a more modestly priced rig and sold it a year later to upgrade, right?

With that said, I'd recommend dipping your toe into the analog pool first.

Some excellent tables at moderate prices are:

Michell Gyrodec
Nottingham Spacedeck
VPI Scoutmaster
Rega P7

Some cartridges:

Dynvector DV20X
Shelter 501
Audio-Technica AT0C9
Rega Exact

One of those will mate well with the turntables mentioned above.

You will also need a phono stage. You can usually find a Sutherland PHD used on Audiogon for around $2000 - $2500. The phono stage is not an area where you want to skimp, and the PHD is a great phono stage for the price.

Aesthetix, Art Audio, EAR, and others make great phono stages that can be had for similar prices, new and used.

That can get you into the analog world for only a $5k to $6k outlay. And (again IMHO) it will easily outperform your digital rig.

If you like it and want more, or you simply must take the $30k plunge, check out the Teres and Galibier web sites.


It seems like Arwp is very perceptive and wants to get the most out of his plunge into vinyl and is willing to devote ample resources to get it done. Although $30K sure is a lot of money, it would be quite easy to go through a majority of it if you were to shoot for high performing rig that includes phono stage, cartridge, isolation, cleaning, and table/arm. Go for it.
I agree with Tom (as I already said) about not taking the plunge right away, but I do not agree with his suggestions, which, although excellent, are beyond what I would consider quality entry level ;-)

I was thinking more along the lines of any complete system under $3K on these pages:

If one is going to "go for it" it takes lots of information and personal experience (along with "ample resources" ;-) Otherwise you are going to wind up buying someone else's dream!