new to me turntable and preamp

Looking to upgrade my turntable and preamp, and I'm just barely dipping my toe into this hi-fi thing. Was looking at the Rega and Pro-ject tables for price and looks (no matte black please), but the more I read the more I'm not sure about that. I've seen some systemdek IIX around as well. Just dropped money on speakers so don't have an unlimited budget. My table now sounds like a squirel after 1 hour or so of play.

My current system (get ready to laugh)
Yamaha HTR 5540 receiver
Linn Keilidh speakers
Gemini XL-BD40 w/ ortofon OM S
Radio Shack Stereo Preamp

anyone have any thoughts??
Why not use the Yamaha as a pre and just get a descent phono stage like Bellari. It would be the most economical way to get your analog front end up and running. A pre amp would duplicate a lot of things the Yamaha does. In time you could upgrade the receiver to separate power amp and pre amp. Adding a Bellari and the Nad table along with your Ortofon cart could give you a surprisingly nice sound if, as others have said, you take the time to level and isolate your table along with dialing in the cart. Save a few bucks for the most important item.....the music! Good luck and most of all enjoy the wonderful world of vinyl.
first i'd just like to say how nice it is for you all to offer all this advice to us beginners. some circles just seem to what to keep all the info for those in the know so they can look down on all the rest. thanks.

once i get the new table, i just need a phono stage, and then from there i would just run that into the reciever? since the reciever has no phono input, i have been running my current table through the v-aux input jack. is there any difference in the jacks on the back?
also, you guys think my existing ortofon cart will be a better choice than the stock on the NAD?
Parasound has quite decent entry-level phono preamps at a very good entry-level price. Worth a look. Just connects to open jacks on your amp such as CD, AUX, or tape. Ezy.

Look into some of the Grado carts. You can get a lot for your investment.

I would also recommend looking into a Music Hall-5 table. Heck, look into a used one. The other tables you're considering are also good choices.

This is all entry level but quite decent sounding equipment that you should be able to easily sell as you upgrade.
Correct- you would run the phono stage into one of the receiver inputs (v-aux is probably a video input) If you are getting the table new and it comes with a cartridge start with that, it is probably a good match with the arm. BTW there is a Bellari phono stage on the Gon as we speak for $150-
I bought a Pro-ject Expression III from Underwood Hifi along with a Phono box II as a starter and it worked out great. I've since upgraded the cartridge and Phono stage.