Any vinyl experts out there?

Just got a Music Hall MMF5 here after not playing records for more than 15 yrs!

I don't know if it's just me, but the sound seems very dark and base heavy. I have noticed my Odyssey Stratos really brings out the base in my Gallo Ref II's, but this was a pleasant thing when listening to my digital sources, it's not so pleasant when listening to the MMF5.

Those troglodytes at UPS managed to shake a few things lose (and break the dust cover) but I'm just not knowledgeable enough to figure out what adjustments might help bring down the base.

Any help would be very much appreciated.


AudiogoNers Rule!
You may have acoustic feedback. Without the platter moving or the motor on, put the stylus down on a record and increase the volume. If you hear howling, you have acoustic feedback and you will need to resite the turntable.
Try raising the arm a notch, if the cartridge is slanted towards the rear it can cause the bass to be too heavy.