What is the Phono stage you have finished with?

Hello, Like many I have an e.a.r 834p, and it has served me well for many years, I am now however looking for a new MC phono stage. I am up for going quite a few stages up from the ear (so the next phono will last me a few years!).

Would like to hear from you guys who have already gone down this road!
Happy listening

Downunder no tube rush issues here, although I may listen at lower levels than you do. Actually, I didn't mention the Rhea's sonics earlier and want to emphasize that it's the best-sounding phonostage I've heard. But I didn't expect it to be ultra-quiet, with its 10 tubes. It is marginally more quiet that my former tubed phonostage, however.
Art Audio, Vinyl One made a wonderful difference in my system.
Got rid of a new PS Audio unit I had for about 4 weeks and got the AA instead. I've had it now for 2+ years and continue to be very happy. I got mine with the optional volume control.

Depends somewhat on the other equipment you have.
I have the Io sig with volume controls. I run a Koestu at supposedly .2mV There is no tube rush here. Of course, I had selected tubes put in the front end and was careful in doing so. Additionally, the unit is one of later production so this may have some bearing.

I just recently received a Klyne 7PX3.5 phono for a trial against the Io. So far I am having gain issues with my set up and the Klyne running through the Io's aux input so I'll have to try another combination to match volume levels more closely.

I think the Klyne and the Io represent top spot(s) in the valve vs. ss camps.

Being in Europe easy to get Goldmund Mimesis PH 3 or FM acoustics. Have heard both and the FM Acoustics is by far the best phono preamp I have heard. The Goldmund is right behind it and not that far of the pace of the FM Acoustics. Price wise not for the faint of heart.
Re Downunder: "I would have luved the IO, however too noisy."
Yes, my Io, bought used, was noisy, and remained noisy with various NOS tube experiments. It got so bad that I asked for a full tube replacement from Aesthetix. That fixed my noise problems, now it sounds great.