Lenco motor voltage 220v conversion to 110v

Hi all, I have lurked a little, but this is my first post!

I am doing a Lenco project, and living in the USA, I need 110v compatibility.

However my lenco GL60 table has a 220v 50~ motor. Searched the web and found a way to convert it to 110v by rewiring from series to parrallel. While in the process of doing so I starts to wonder if polarity needs to be observed? I went ahead and finished one possibility and it ran, but is it correct?
Even zip cord is identified.... The identified conductor, neutral, will be marked in some fashion on the flat cord.
Raised ridge along the edge, or
Lettering on that side, or
A coloured stripe.

By the way I am not sure if it would really make a difference which side of the motor you connected the hot or neutral..... But I have read a White Paper by Clark Johnsen were he said the plug orientation made a difference.

The important thing when paralleling the two windings is to have the correct polarity, phasing, of the two windings...
Try Lencoheaven.com You might find photos. If not, you can post your question there and get some answers.
I was in a similar situation ... you will run into speed problems since you are wanting to use the 50Hz motor with your 60Hz. There are two differnt motors, a 50Hz and a 60Hz, in which both can run 110V or 220V. Wiring method is the same as descibed in the previous posts. Difference between the two diffent motors is the shaft diameter. Hope that helps somehwhat. David.