ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much"

Hello everyone.

Recently acquired UNIverse x-sb 0.24 and using it on a Naitais Lenco L75 + Ringmat Anniversary with SME3012R arm and it sounds "too much". Comparing to the XV1s (tracking at 2.10), it sounds "too much", female vocals are too much. Another way to put it is too dynamic(?). It's doesn't sound worse than the XV1s, but very very different. Currently tracking at 1.95 or there abouts. Any ideas? Adjustment, tweak issue or loading, or tracking angle?

Rest of vinyl front end is Audio Note M7 with Bent MU 1:20 Silver transformers. Universe loaded to about 110 ohms. XV1s run on open load 125 ohms.


Yes, I had checked my calcs with John when I purchased the 1:20 Mu SUT's and he confirmed my calculations. And he confirmed that the loading is done on the secondary. I did not ask him specific about loading configurations for the UNIverse or the XV1s.

You answered earlier that 100 ohms is about right for both cartridges, but not with SUT. So 100 ohms on active is not the same as 100 ohms on SUT? This is one thing I cannot make sense. I agree that there must be something I'm missing since everyone is loading down their SUT's down below 10 ohms ...
>>The UNIverse, as Dan_Ed said, can surpass what the XV-1S is capable of, but it will require much work and fine tuning to make that happen.<<

Not true.

I own both and have used each extensively in 3 relatively high end arms i.e. Tri Planar, Dynavector 507 Mk.II, and Basis Vector 3.

The XV-1s and for that matter Transfiguration Orpheus are better overall pickups IMO.

Universe, although incredibly detailed, lacks the bottom end of both and also can get congested in extremely complex passages.

Dealer disclaimer
Dear David: Ok trying to help around : that 3012 tonearm is a little " alive " on upper mids/high frequencies, the Universe is a little on the bright side and not so good on the low bass ( against other top cartridges like your XV-1 ), so the contrast between both frequency extremes along the 3012 performance could cause what you are hearing. I can't remember if your SME model has a removable headshell but if it has then you can try the Universe with different headshells, this could help. By-passing the SUT could help too but this is a way different " history " and can't help you with out a phono stage change.

Regards and enjoy the music.

Our experiences differ, obviously. Dan and I hear what we hear. You hear what you hear. Which experiences are more "true" is nothing either of us can determine.

That said, if your UNIverse sounds congested during complex passages then I believe something's misadjusted, mismatched or flawed. In my system and others, no cartridge I've heard sounds less congested, including the two you mentioned.

Keeping the thread on topic (more or less), what phono stage(s) do you use?


I experienced the same with the UNIverse and while nothing can hold a candle to the clarity, detail, dynamics and air of this cartridge, it seems to go awol on the really bottom end so it comes across as lean and one yearns for it to be unctuous as well as so clear.

I have played around with loading into transformers quite a bit but there always seemed to be some kind of trade off; as low end improved went up, highs became ragged.

ANYWAY, I was totally shocked when I tried the ZYX pre-pre (into the Aesthetix IO-sig). The low end appeared like never before, with no trade offs in the space or extension.

Now it is complete and you can have your cake and eat it with a UNIverse!
