managable and affordable indoor FM antenna

I'm using one that NPR recommends (standard but heavy duty/flexible T-shape) and it works pretty well, but I'm hoping there is something better out there. I tried the GODAR without much success. Trying to pick up Baltimore stations better (I am in DC suburbs).

For me affordable means <$200

Thanks in advance for your suggestions
Unless you can go with an outdoor directional antenna and rotor, stick with the dipole.

I have a Godar and no longer use it. It is unobtrusive in some setups and serviceable on some tuners but utterly fails on others, depending on the tuning system used. I'm back to a dipole now.

If you have trouble getting FM stations you like and have internet access, try Internet Radio and leave antenna woes behind.

Which Baltimore stations specifically are you shooting for?
I use a small outdoor antenna indoors. The Winegard HD6000 (Prostar 1000) is 65.5" x 33" and costs $17.93 + shipping from Solidsignal. It provides about 5 dB more gain than a dipole. I just hang it on the wall behind my rack. I listen to only one station, but it seems to work well with others without reorienting it. Some people consider it an eyesore.
I use the C. Crain FM Reflect, which may be what you're using. I'm able to receive quite good reception from up to 65 miles away, however, I'm in an ideal location. I'll use these antennas until I erect a proper roof mounted yagi.