Anybody have the Feickert Adjust + program?

I've been trying to find a dealer, and went directly to the Feickert website but hit a dead end.

Feickert recommends that you use an external sound card since the sound cards in most machines are low quality and don't have high enough resolution.
I use pro audio firewire soundcards like the ones from Motu and Echo. Much better than Soundblaster.
I had a long and pleasant conversation last night with an owner of this software who really understands not only how to use it, but also what and how it is doing it. Real engineering, geeky-type talk in some places. :-)

I have to say that the features available in the Adjust+ sound really interesting to me. Unfortunately, from the descriptions I received of these features I would naturally be drawn to the more expensive pro version.

As per the discussion last night there are other ways to make these measurements, which Brian had mentioned a few posts back. This software basically automates this process, which saves a lot of time and physical effort.

I will respect this person's privacy and just say "thanks" once again.

Now, I wonder how much a few toes are worth to AFLAC?
Another major bonus is the Plus version can use .wav files as a source for analysis.