UPS on DC controlled tables?

Has any one tried putting in a small computer UPS to feed the DC supply on a turntable? This probably? wouldn't be so great ahead of a AC synchronous motor because the "sine" wave out of most computer UPS's is a bit squashed or triangled - but if for instance the output of your external supply is 27VDC - the purity of the sine output isn't too important ?
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Why do you want to put a UPS which generates dirty electricity, to feed your
turntable? What do you expect to gain from it?
Yup it's dirty - but it's voltage stable. Certainly wouldn't want to do this on anything I was listening thru - but on a DC controlled TT - all I want is stable speed -if I feed it a solid stable voltage on it's input - it should output a stable solid DC output - this isn't the end of potential speed instability - but would? eliminate one variable?
Or not?
TT using DC motor already has DC voltage regulator built-in, that is how you
adjust the speed of DC motor. There is absolutely no benefit to put a UPS in
front of it. In fact, the dirty electricity generated by UPS will pollute the rest of
your system. If your TT doesn't have a regulated power supply for the DC motor,
you will be better off to use the UPS money to upgrade the TT. UPS, in my
opinion, is the wrong solution to a most likely non-existing problem.