Vpi vs. TW Acustic

My analog rig consists of a VPI Aries I, Triplanar, and Benz LP. My SoCal dealer suggests the Grand Prix Monaco TT should be my next move. However I don't have that kind of moola lying around and just try finding a used one. It ain't happening. So, would the TW Raven One be a big improvement over the the Aries or too much of a sideways move? And without the opportunity to audition, too risky?
I can add that I'm a very happy owner of a Raven One. I upgraded from a fully decked out VPI Scoutmaster and no change in my system, short of changing speakes, was as dramatic and positive.

Mind you, I also switched from the VPI JMW9 Signature arm to a Triplanar at the same time, so I can't truly say how much the table was responsible vs the arm, but together the difference was astounding.
OK,I understand how you guys can feel....Yet,my experiences in the hobby really have nothing to do with any of my own personal opinions here.To insult me by claiming you know my agenda is absurd.

I think I gave enough design emphasis to my other choices.Do some home work yourself to determine if the other designs are better.

I'll happily stick to my statements,made previously!Attempting to figure out if I had a hidden agenda is total baloney!

A design will either stand up to what is out there or not.If there are better,lower cost designs that I feel are better,I'm certainly allowed to mention them.

There are some folks who like getting a better mouse trap for less cash.

The objective was "solely" to give exposure to better,lower cost designs!....They happen to exist btw!

And why does it have to come off as "bashing",just because my emphasis is on better designs,for less money?I never said the Raven was crap.I believe I said it sounded good!

Btw,I've been around the block with "many" competitive products too...Hands ON!I've most likely owned as many as you have as well.That should give me the ability to make a judgement here.I don't claim to be an expert,but a person with a little knowledge of some things.If I can point some folks in a direction and save them some money,what so bad?

If you own a Raven,be thrilled.Good for you!

You have to understand that anyone is entitled to their own opinion,and psychoanalysis of an agenda(like DGAD's of me) is just a copout ,IMO....You can put whatever spin on it that makes you happy,but there is some mightily good designs around for alot less dosh!

At the very least,it gives me the right to express my own thoughts,and if you are happy with whatever you own that is great as far as I'm concerned.Do you honestly think I care what someone owns?Be happy with whatever you are comfortable with!

One thing for sure....don't try to analyze my agenda!You don't know me,or my experiences.

I have only respect for the body of Audiogon members,but I know a few things which allow me to express my personal opinion...for whatever reason!

The bottom line is(and I did mention this)just look at the white papers offered by other competitive mfgrs(Basis has some great ones)....

Make a decision based on common sense and what seems to be the most plausible design....That was actually my point,originally.....Yet ruffling feathers on this forum is not uncommon....I'll walk on egg shells in the future.

Perrew, your questions are very relevant, though perhaps better served in another tread. I know your considering the cart in question, please feel free to contact me, via email or better yet a phone call. Your underlying premise is correct though, I can only determine the cart did not sound good on my arm, and table. Though, in my personal vinyl hierarchy, the spinner is a DISTANT third after cart being one and arm being second. Regrading cart break in, NO component or cart has every "broke in" enough, if my first impression was not VERY favorable. IMO carts do tend to get more spacious sounding after some hours, however, I feel the tonal character remains fairly constant, though the VTF and VTA settings change throughout its life, to accomplish this.


Sirspeedy, thanks for the response. Would you be willing to share SPECIFIC details about your recent comparisons amongst these products you speak about that helped you come to these value and design opinions? Thanks in advance.
Dlanselm, I agree and will contact you directly regarding the cart.
I think its interesting that you consider spinner distant third. I have read your blog and followed your evolvement from Brinkmann and on to now Raven, I think it gives credibility to your choice I also know Dgad bought his Raven very long before it got the "flavour of the month" sticker that some seems to give it.