Vpi vs. TW Acustic

My analog rig consists of a VPI Aries I, Triplanar, and Benz LP. My SoCal dealer suggests the Grand Prix Monaco TT should be my next move. However I don't have that kind of moola lying around and just try finding a used one. It ain't happening. So, would the TW Raven One be a big improvement over the the Aries or too much of a sideways move? And without the opportunity to audition, too risky?

Sirspeedy, thanks for the response. Would you be willing to share SPECIFIC details about your recent comparisons amongst these products you speak about that helped you come to these value and design opinions? Thanks in advance.
Dlanselm, I agree and will contact you directly regarding the cart.
I think its interesting that you consider spinner distant third. I have read your blog and followed your evolvement from Brinkmann and on to now Raven, I think it gives credibility to your choice I also know Dgad bought his Raven very long before it got the "flavour of the month" sticker that some seems to give it.
Dlanselm,sorry but I've learned my lesson!I'm done on the subject.

It's kinda like I called someone's kid ugly.No intention to purposely ridicule anyone's choices.Only to mention my thoughts on better/less costly designs,as how they might relate to this product.....IMO.

I mean,the original thread "does" ask a valid question!!

It does not mitigate the fact that the Raven is a well liked and good product.Maybe just not my cup of tea.

As for any "history" I may have had previously in the hobby/industry....that is totally irrelevent to the subject.Believe me,nobody would benefit from my going "there".

Including the folks cluing some into my agenda!!!!!

I'd rather stick to the specific subject,regarding viable design,and my "opinion" on the VPi's or any other stuff.

Btw,just for the heck...The Oracle Delphi is a fabulous design,and gorgeous to behold.Not a bad choice if one is interested in saving a few bucks,with alot of bang for the cash outlay.It has been around for awhile and represents a very well thought out design....

NO,I'm not going to give a dissertation on why I believe it "is" so,and offer comparisons.Check it out!

Whether I am in,or out of the hobby....

Would a retired athelete be less able to analyze his sport? After four decades of involvement.Hmm?

Could you describe the differences you hear between your old VPI rig and your new Raven One/TriPlanar? I assume you are using the same Dynavector XV-1S. Thanks.
Sirspeedy --I am puzzled by your refusal to mention anything about comparisons you have made between the turntables you like and the TW design which you dont.I have no agenda and have appreciated your thoughts on other threads.I would think you would supply an answer to the question posed without hesitation.I have a suspended Kuzma Reference and am thinking of getting a TW designed Table therefore I looked forward to your comments.
Im sure you understand that your silence may make one wonder.