Dynavector DV 20X-L -- which MM will better it?

following some of these MM related threads, which MM will better DV 20X-L performance?

I know this cart and would say, it can have tight punchy bass (arm dependent), but is NOT up to the better LO-MCs in terms of treble resolution, or detailedness. Sounds like MM territory, or is this an insult?

On some German forms about older MMs, I read some very favourable comments about the Shure V15 with MR stylus...
Is that that best recommendation for this system, and would this compare with the 20X-L?

I did run a Shure V15 years ago, but am not sure it had an MR insert --- the rest of my rig was not what it is today :-) ha, ha.

just a bit of chit-chat on this Orpheus loading in a more general vain.
You say:
>>> due to my Orpheus experiences IMHO if you don't like it loaded at 100 Ohms then there is something wrong ( maybe this is not the right word because you like it at that load. ) in your system or your ears. This cartridge does not needs any " help " on the highs ( the same for the PW. )
Well, now there is also the phono boards if we accept my ears are fine for the time being.
The ML boards allow a 10nF to be jumpered in as it also has a 200ohm jumper (3rd jumper is 40dB or 60dB).
Taking that 10nF out --- re: >>>does not needs any " help " on the highs<<< most all MCs get too 'hot' so it’s quite the opposite! Put it in the table turns the other way and that’s the reason to then ‘help’ it a bit, a fine balance…
Exception is PW so far, but that is not a good example because it's channel balance had issues.
So, put 10nF in there is too little 'extension' at 100ohm in the treble. 47k could work but 1k was better.
Also recall, I had only 2 days to work out a sort of likable balance. That Orpheus cart is VERY touchy with VTA, and it takes a bit of time (at least for me) to get it to it's best balance.
It was still a bit treble-tilted at 1k and 10nF, going down ~< 1mm on VTA and it started to sound sat-on again. I guess 200 or 500ohm could have worked in conjunction with more VTA adjustments --- maybe. 100ohm definitely not with 10nF and with out the C it still had too little air/stage, etc.
The same settings we also used with the Dorian, also a bit bright though and VTA needed to go way down to tame that one.
With my previous PS Audio GCPH I could not use 1k, as it was already to 'woolly' so I guess those ML phono-boards have a different requirement as they can sound either sat-on or to hot. Why? I guess that's just how they work.

Now that Sure V15 III VN35MR is in the system, and 'pleasant' enough at level VTA and 1.25g VTF and equal anti-skate force. B U T it’s nowhere NEAR as resolved as the Orpheus, it misses a good deal of finer harmonic detail, i.e. no magic, no one in your room, no spooks so to say, and I guess that's that i.e. “You get what you pay for, no? (-:”

So it’s TOP OF THE RACK MM time and I'm sitting it out, pending your answer :-)

Best greetings,
PS: I truly hope that all this detail might be of some help not only just for myself...
Can't imagine the 2m black being a step down from the 20XL, since I already prefer the 2m blue to the 20XL in some ways. Yes, the 20XL has more texture and is a tad more warm, but I find that the 2m blue is just as musical if not more so, plus the 2m sounds more muscular with a wider taller soundstage than the 20XL. Of course those are just my experiences and as we all know setup and associated equipment play are always a big factor.
I can't say I've tried the NOS MM's that have been discussed elsewhere, but I did have a Grado Platinum at one point. It got replaced by a 20X-H, and there was definitely more resolution and texture present. That got replaced with an XX1, again more texture and detail, but perhaps a tad light sounding. Now I have a Temper and can say for sure that the texture and detail and musicality and dimension is there in spades. So my progression from MM to LOMC has at least proven to me that LOMC's is where it's at (but they are finicky to set up properly, for sure).