thinking of trying vinyl

hello all, Ive been thinking about getting into records and turntables for awhile now, and after finding a really cool record store with all these old jazz albums cheap, im thinking about making the jump. But I do have some holdups. I have a very economy minded system that consists of b&w 602 s2 bookshelf speakers-a 90's rotel 30 watt integrated with phono,and a sony sacd player. Thats it, so i dont think my system would do a brand new pro-ject table much justice. But I also dont want to buy an old piece of junk. Any suggestions on a turntable that would "fit" with what i have? Also is the sound going to make me cringe since im using low ball equipment? Just trying to figure out if its worth the journey.
A used MMF5 is not a bad idea by any means, and if you decide the whole process is not for you, then selling it will get you almost all of your money back.

Personally, I would take the opposite tack from Almandog. I find 'old pieces of junk' to be excellent places to start. Many old Japanese DD TTs can be found in garage sales and thrift stores for almost nothing (if you have such places in your area). I'd do a tour of the local stores, write down the names of what they have, do some research (check Vintage Knob website for a fair bit of info, and there are other sites, and the archives of the Vinyl Asylum on are always helpful to dig through), and plunk your $25 down for the one you want (make sure it works first). Buy a cartridge, print out a protractor from the Vinyl Engine website, and do some research on how to align your cartridge (there are various websites out there (Walker, the FAQ on AudioAsylum, the archives on Audiogon, others)), and start spinning garage sale records (wash them first). A good used MM cart will do wonders.

The weak point in your chain at that point m-i-g-h-t turn out to be your phono stage. Some older integrateds/recievers had quite decent phono stages in them, but I do not know if your Rotel (or any Rotel) is one of them. Others may have an opinion. I think phono stage quality is crucial. If I had $500 to start a TT system with to see whether I wanted to play with vinyl, knowing what I know now, I'd lurk around the thrifts, garage sales, and craigslist for a great old TT (have to do your research though) for $50, buy a good quality used MM cart for <$100 off Audiogon, and then spend $250 on a used phono stage, then the remaining $50-100 on used ICs to go from phono to integrated (or roll your own).
I agree with Almandog, try the Music hall. You should be able see if you want to get further into analog or not with little money at risk.

Rhljazz, Also makes a good point, if your system as a hole is not up to the task then you may not like the sound of vinyl for the wrong reasons. Vinyl is more demanding on a system than CD's are IMHO.

Just wanted to ask.
How any CD players have you purchased to get to where you are now? If you did spend the same on a TT as you have your CD players/Dac your vinyl would rival you CD's IMHO.
Sold my 500 usd mdf table have sound that surpasses 1k cdp rotel is known for good phonos u should be fine be patient tons of great deals
thanks for all the input fellas, lots to ponder! as I said before economy is crucial as I have less then 300 in my entire system as it is, so a 300$ experiment would raise the wifes eyebrows a bit to high for comfort! I dont know why but it is very alluring, the idea of listening to 50's and 60's jazz on a record player just seems like it would be awesome! But if it sounds like poo compared to the cd version because of the equipment, I might just sell the whole system and get a tube headphone amp to plug my grados into! lol ive been know to be an idiot at times!