Killing sibilance distortion - VPI & Jubilee


Along with what others have posted in the recent past, I also have a long running case of nasty distortion on sibilants with my vinyl playback. It is worse in the inner grooves.

To build on some other recent threads about this topic, I ordered a MFSL that is supposed to be a good test for mistracking. I have made a recording clip of my playback playing some of the last track on Side 2.

I have the recording on this link:

Playback Recording

If you take a look at that, we can all be on the same page with what exactly is going on.

The setup is a VPI Scoutmaster table, JMW9 sig arm, Ortofon Jubilee cartridge. The table is leveled on a Salamander Archetype rack. VTA is set with the arm parallel. VTF is set to 2.4g. Alignment is setup with the MINT arc protractor, 10x magnification. The VPI mechanical Anti-Skate is being used, with the lighter rubber washers. Azimuth is level by means of the "VPI straw trick" (a straw in a groove on the headshell).

Is there anyone that can point me in the right direction to fix that sibilance distortion you're hearing on the recording?

I've tried quite a few things, including different cartridges, and VTF, VTA and antiskate settings, but the sibilance is always there.

Here are some photos of my setup:

Cartridge Closeup

Aligning with the MINT

Thanks for reading
by Goatwuss
Hi Todd,
very good pictures! Very good set-up! (I hope others will concur).

I guess you have to eliminate the cart as the source of the problem next i.e. put in another one, eish!

Let ME say no more at this point.
PS: let me know sometime how to paste pics into to this 'post responses', I might have something interesting...
I went to a local audio dealer in Cambridge, MA yesterday to try out the Krauss record.

They are a Rega dealer, and I was kind of hoping they would have a P9 or a P7 setup, but all they had in working state was a P1 with an entry level Ortofon cartridge.

We tried the record.... it was a huge mess! Actually, quite a bit worse than my setup. The dealer went through the standard questions, "Is this your only record that does this?" "groove damage?" "maybe that's the way it was recorded?," etc. It surprises me that the two dealers I've discussed this with are not more familliar with it. Being around different turntables all day long, I would expect them to be intimately familliar with sibilance, what causes it, and ways to fix it.

I'm not sure what conclusions to draw, but assuming that the table was setup well, there was a clear difference in tracking ability between this setup and my setup. Which leads me to believe - maybe there is a table/arm/cartridge setup out there that can track this cleanly??? I hope so, and I want to find it!
Brother, Goatwuss,
>>> maybe there is a table/arm/cartridge setup out there that can track this cleanly??? I hope so, and I want to find it!<<<

YES, YES, YES, talk to Doug! Then after a gap talk to Axel,
I got it tracking with a V15 III xMR and it can't be much worse then CD (I guess) actually quite OK, but not 100% perfect., Doug's the man I say.

Also in the meantime, try an MM with at least 22.5cu and a decent stylus/cantilever (Raul mentioned some, yes?)
Good luck,
PS: Just shows you were some dealers are these days --- pushing AV boxes, and clueless (to survive I guess)
Just off the top of my head, and listening on the speakers on my computer monitor(what? You mean these aren't state of the art?), and not being familiar with the recording, I'de say that your VTA is too high(i.e., your tonearm is too high). If that is the case, remember that all the parameters are related, so you might need to adjust VTF, etc. I would suggest, on all the parameters, that you try very tiny adjustments(assuming you are close to the correct setting)until you hear what the adjustment does. Once you find what the adjustment of one parameter does, you will be less likely to use that adjustment for other things. An example would be to use anti-skate for a channel balance problem.
As far as a general rule for anti-skate(for gimbaled arms-so it may not apply to uni-pivots)is that if the record sounds better at the end than the beginning, you have too much anti-skate(Your problem is the opposite, i.e., you need more anti-skate).