How does one choose a phono stage.

Sometime in the future I would like to buy a seperate phono stage. Currently I am using the phono stage of my Symphonic Line La Musica integrated amp. But when I take a look at what is available is just dazzles me. There are some many brands, models and versions etc etc. Even when I limited my budget to say max $1500 there are still dozens of even hundereds I could shoose from. But before we set a budget, how do I even know how high I should make my budget. I mean my old Clearaudio basic isn't better then the build in stage of my Symphonic Line. So I should look for something of better quality, so more expensive. My turntable is a VPI Scout with Lyra Dorian cart. So even if I had the money a $5000 phono pre would be overkill.

So back to the original question, how doe one start to narrow the field. I can listen to some stages but before I need say 5 to 10 stage I would consider. So how do I narrow it down to that number.

When I think of phono stages around $1500 budget I think Nagra BPS, Whest two, Lehmann black cube with PWX, Goldenote Phono 2, Acoustech PH1, EAR 834MC, array PH3 etc etc.

So how do I narrow my search. When buying 2nd hand it become an even bigger problem, since you cannot always try before you buy. Often you have just have to buy and hope it works out.

I realy would like to buy the Nagra BPS, why? Because I like Nagra CD players, not a very sound reason but that is how it is now.

So please help me, what should I do.
I am new to this and I have recently auditioned many phono sections. I would have to say, a couple of the attributes that I liked would be:
1. Tubed for sure
2. Dual Power supply (heating/power)
3. Dual Mono with independent gain controls
4. Low Noise floor

Additionally you will have to put some thought into loading if you wish to use a low output moving coil design. I have not gotten into this yet but some thought should certainly be devoted to slecting a step up device to match the cartridge.

Lastly, I agree with the Grahm Slee philosophy regarding noise floor. It should no be noisy, but going to crazy on noise floor will end up giving you a system that sounds dead quite when there is no signal hence great, but perhaps not so great when signal starts to pass through and your listening to music.

$1500, well I would say Audio Research PH-5!

I have listened to one see post 1245019180.

I thought the BPS was OK and only OK. I put it down to the 9v battery and very basic electronics. It's not as flexible as the whestTWO. The whestTWO like many others at this price range has at least 3 gain options and 3 load options. Also the BPS is not very dynamic at all! It's also quite noisy if you are using a low output MC. The design is really nice though BUT I don't think that is enough at this price range and just because it says NAGRA on it isn't enough to justify the price. I think there are far better sounding units out there at the price and all are much more flexible.

I've been using the ARC PH3 SE for about 6 or 7 years now. This is my first phonostage. Based on my experience, these would be some of the things that I look for (besides sound quality) in a new phonostage:

1/ Low noise floor
- Typically tube would be noisier than SS, but more natural sounding. And this would also be dependent on the quality of the tubes.
- I've heard the PH7, and it is dead quiet. I believe this has to do with the 6H30 supertube used in this design (vs. the 6922s in my PH3)

2/ Enough gain for low output MC cartridges
- The PH3, like most of tube-based phonostages, does not have enough gain for low output carts.
- I am currently using a Step-Up Transformer(SUT) to compensate for that. And the cartridges I am using have 0.5mV and 0.6mV output. I would not use anything with output lower than that straight into the PH3.

3/ Ability to change cartridge loading on the fly
- For the PH3, you have to solder resistors to change loading. Soldering them was a pain in the rear. I just found out that removing them was even worse.
- On my SUT, you just unscrew some knobs, and place the resistors in between, then screw tight. You can even do it on the fly. Now that's nice. On some of the phonostages, you can do this by pushing buttons.
4/ Multiple inputs
- Nice to have, but not necessary. (If you have multiple arms)
