New favorite VINYL Album?

Wolfgang Amadeus by PHOENIX great sounding, fantastic music, highly recomended. my new favorite vinyl album.
Koegz sure got it right with "The Suburbs". Best of the year so far. I don't hear the gross compression that some have criticised. More like a slight softness from the vintage tube multitracking. Rich, dense, detailed mix with warm bottom end. Debts paid to Joy Division/New Order, Sonic Youth, Radiohead, Kinks, Pretenders.
Thanks Michaelph. I got the MOFI "Sea Change" in the mail today. MUCH better than the Geffen!
Do get a copy of "Broken Bells". You'll love it.
Another recent release Golen Smog's "down by the old mainstream", definately worth a spin, especialy sides 3 and 4. Nice quality vinyl and very good sound. It has a very nice gatefold cover as well. Will not dissapoint.
Rossini 6: Sonate A Quattro LP

Erich Kunzel / Roundup

Nat King Cole / Love is the Thing

Donald Fagen/Morph the Cat

Gary Karr/Plays Double Bass