Sensible upgrade from Denon DL160

Hi all,

I'm looking for an upgrade from my DL160 Cart running on a Rega P25 (With Groovetracer mods) hooked up to a lehmman Black Cube.

I'm happy with the overall sound, I guess where I see weaknesses is vocals can sound metalic and bass feels a little flabby at times. My musical interests are varied, mainly rock (new stuff) and jazz (old stuff). I like the overall warmth of the denon sound just looking to refine it I guess.

any suggestions greatly appreciated - $500-$700 tops and I'm willing to look 2nd hand

+1 on the AT150MLX. I upgraded from the DL-160 to the AT150MLX over a year ago and haven't looked back (or to the side) since.

The tonal balances are very similar, but the AT gives you more of what you're looking for--tighter bass, faster overall response, airier treble without artifice, much better transparency everywhere and esp. noticeable in the midrange. With your Black Cube you should get excellent dynamics. Very grainless with its PCOCC wiring.

Best of all, it's as cheap to own as a DL-160--LPGear sells the replacement stylus for the same price as a DL-160 ($179.95).
Denon 304, AT 33 [ the lower complience version] Both avalable at $350-400.
Dear Johnnyb53: I know that you are an advocate to the 150MLX that is a good cartridge, well as good as the AT is IMHO that Ortofon M20FL Super Axel advise is something that is worth that you hear even the very low price Andante P-76 is a " contender ". I prefer both over that AT cartridge, but this is system dependent and as always a very personal/subjective opinion.

Regards and enjoy the music,
08-03-09: Rauliruegas
Dear Johnnyb53: I know that you are an advocate to the 150MLX that is a good cartridge, well as good as the AT is IMHO that Ortofon M20FL Super Axel advise is something that is worth that you hear even the very low price Andante P-76 is a "contender".
Well, sure Raul, but not everybody has the time or patience to scour the world for a 20-30 yr-old new-old-stock model. Something affordable and readily available today that is a noticeable upgrade over the DL-160 is, I think, a legitimate alternative.

Another upgrade might be the new Ortofon 2M series. I came across a review that compared the 2M Blue favorably to the M20FL Super. I'd think the 2M Black or Bronze would be an instant and significant upgrade as well.
Dear Johnny: I see. Well you can find both: the Ortofon and the Andante right now here:ör?hash=item3c9c32cc8c&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65:1|66:2|39:1|240:1318|301:1|293:1|294:50

both NOS.

Regards and enjoy the music,