Sensible upgrade from Denon DL160

Hi all,

I'm looking for an upgrade from my DL160 Cart running on a Rega P25 (With Groovetracer mods) hooked up to a lehmman Black Cube.

I'm happy with the overall sound, I guess where I see weaknesses is vocals can sound metalic and bass feels a little flabby at times. My musical interests are varied, mainly rock (new stuff) and jazz (old stuff). I like the overall warmth of the denon sound just looking to refine it I guess.

any suggestions greatly appreciated - $500-$700 tops and I'm willing to look 2nd hand

much food for thought, thanks to all. hadn't thought mm carts would be suggested so looks like i have some more research to do!
"Bass feels a little flabby at times" is a pretty good description of the Black Cube. The thing is almost a PRaT filter. I can't think of a worse choice for reproducing rock music.
you mention:
>> "Bass feels a little flabby at times" is a pretty good description of the Black Cube <<
Black Cube? = M2 Black??

What ever, it is exactly what a M20FL super would NOT be doing, it has a very defined bass, - maybe because it's an MI?
Can't say, but flabby bass with this one --- NO WAY!
My Orpheus picky audio-friend noticed that as the very first thing when compared to some other MMs I had in my rig. Not that some "pouncey" bass is always SUCH an unwelcome thing --- as with the rock music you mentioned, there are PLENTY bloody thin and boney recordings that can do with a bit odd 'filler' at the bottom. At least in my experience.