Bergmann air-bearing turntable at RMAF?

Hi all. A few days ago my attention was drawn to Bergmann of Denmark. They only manufacture two air-bearing turntables ("Sindre" and reference "Sleipner") and one reference air-bearing tangential arm. Not knowing what the company stood for at the time, I sadly missed out on them in Munich. What intrigues me is their bold claim that the air unit is dead quiet and can remain in the listening room.
Anyone know these products? Or could anyone going to RMAF have a listen and report back, perhaps?
Thanks in advance.
Back in January I listened to the Bergmann turntable with it's air -bearing arm and pump at the UK importer, Midland Audio Exchange. I can confirm that the unit is silent in operation with the pump on a shelf just below the turntable. Amazing really! I can remember listening to an Air Tangent arm on my old Oxford Acoustics tt back in 1987 and I could not get on with the noise of the pump in the listening room. Finish and sound quality of the Bergmann tt is first class and retails for £10K in the UK. Hope this helps