phono stage options for Lyra Cartridges

Ive narrowed my cart for the VPI to the Lyra Dorian or Lyra Argo.
Those with Lyra cartridges here, what phono stages, SUTs have you guys paired them with.
Would appreciate some insights.
With my Lyra manuf. AQ 7000fe5 (.5mv) which sounds more like the Titan i than the Argo i... I have used a Xono, EAR 834p, and now a Joule Electra OPS1 mk4. The Joule is the most detailed, the most musical, and throws the best soundstage of the group here. Layered, dynamic, real sounding to these ears (and tube rollers dream too). Ac cords and isolation effect all 3 greatly btw... a steal when found used here on Agon...

I understand there are 3 versions or is it 4 versions of the JLTi, which version do you have ?
I'm quite interested in the JLTI, looks like the kind of phono stage am looking at.
Any one here have experience with Tom Evans phono products ?
I second the EAR 834p. The Lyra's have a reputation for being analytical (in the best sense of the word), so a good tube preamp makes a good pairing.
I would say, however, that you are probably doing it backwards. Find a phono stage that you really like, and match the cartridge to it. My reasoning is that the phono stage will last far longer than a cartridge.

Just a thought.

i have been advised by some other dealers that the Solid state Tom Evans, groove or microgroove seems to work well w/ the lyra cartridges ???