Turntable wall shelf


I hope you all are well :)

I am looking for the some suggestions for a wall shelf for a TW Acustic Raven One. One option is Pagode Signature Wall, but this is 60 centimeter deep. I am looking for a shelf which should be approx. 50 centimeter deep. This is due to the placement of the shelf.

Look forward to hearing back from you! :)


The Target Rack is OK. I have the two shelf version which I just bought a month ago. I believe they are now made in Asia and are not the same as they were before (like gauge of steel is thinner now). For the money, it should do the job. I'm sure there are far better out there, but you'll pay for them. One thing I would considering doing one day is pulling it off the wall and drilling holes in the tubes and foam filling. It rings like a SOB.
soundfooting inc,solid oak wall mounts,superb quality,
will hold up to 700lbs.
I have one and I have a Clearaudio champion II with a
Symposium shelf under the TT.
Weight wise ,roughly 95lbs or better.The shelf has real nice arches that the shelf sits on and then the Ultra and TT.
they look like a very nice pc. of sculpted shelving.
If you want something that looks superb and can handle weight,she's worth a look.

Thanks :)

I am also looking at adding a HRS M3 Isolation base on the shelf. The HRS is used by Brinkmann, and the Scandinavian distributor of TW reccommended this as the Raven likes granite below its stillpoints.

What do you think?

Cheeers, ToffenG
A piece of granite will always ring, just like glass, UNLESS it's thickness is approximately 1/3 it's longest unsupported dimension.

I forgot the Raven has built-in Stillpoints. You simply need to set them on something utterly inert to any kind of resonance or mechanical vibration. My favorite is concrete. If you want to make it pretty, you can grind the surface, just like they do with kitchen countertops.
I have a Target Pro and used a couple of gate latches to add strength (hooked around the top bar). I put my Nottingham 294 with heavy kit on it on some Finite Elemente Ceraball isolators. A small bowl of water on the plynth did not show any rings (movement) when I jumped up and down on my wood (springy) floor next to it. For a $200 wall stand, I doubt you can do better.