2nd tonearm on HRX

Hi all, I would like to add a second tonearm to my VPI HRX, can anybody give me some advice on how to do it?
Would a stand alone armpod be a good idea?
The table is on a Symposium Ultra platform, and the stand alone armpod would also sit on the same platform, somebody say the armboard should be connected to the plynth, but how can I do that?
Thank you all, and forgive my english.
Re "Paul, go for it."

Shane I was considering getting an arm with a detachable headshell and mounting the left corner of my TNT as per above.
Something like a Jelco would be pretty cheap and allow some flexibility with cartridge experimentation.
I still have the Graham 1.5T, which I suppose could be mounted - but a bit of a pain since it needs a SME slot to be cut and plinth thickness could be an issue with cable lead-out.
The other obvious option is to just get another Phantom armtube. That way I can take advantage of the superior Phantom sonics/adjustments - though each cartridge would need to be dialled in (AS, Az, VTF, VTA etc). Less messing around - and I could sell the 1.5T to fund the extra Phantom armtube.

I have an Ortofon AS-309-S on my Raven and it is very good. the detachable headshell is very handy indeed.

I believe Jelco OEM the ortofon tonearms.
Peter Ledermann of Soundsmith has his VPI HRX with two tonearms. The second arm is a Schroder Ref. He has custom platform bolted of the left rear pillar of that table. Look very well done. I saw is at the RMAF the last couple of years and thought is looked and sounded very good for something that VPI does not offer.

Perhaps you could call Peter and see of he can make you one for your HRX.

There should be plenty of pics avaiable on line to see what I am talking about.
Thanks Pcosta, did a search on the web and found a pic of Peter Ledermann's HRX, that's exatly the idea I was looking for, I'm going to email him for suggestions, I may even end up ordering one of his carts.....Thanks again,
I always thought that part of the point of VPI tone arms is that you can buy easily changeable arm wands from VPI? And fit them with your cartridge of choice.