15,000 LP's - What to do with records?

Yes, 15,000.

This was acquired from a private collector - mostly (approximately 90%) have never been spun. Each with protective covers, each stored in proper indoor temperatures and style.

Going through now making a list, but not excited about selling one, two, three at a time.

You guys know any shops that would pay properly for such a huge lot?
Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
I think the only way you're going to get anywhere near worth for these is to open an e-bay or Amazon store and begin selling them that way.

Find a college kid who is looking for a little extra cash and tell him you'll give him 20% or the profit if he does all the work of posting and replying to inquiries and purchases and boxing and shipping.
If you sell as a single lot you probably won't get more than a dime a record. Better to do some homework and determine which have value and which dreck. It's a ton of work but the payoff should be worth it.

The only quick response I can think of is to contact Acoustic Sounds as I believe they buy "lot" quantity.

The fact that most of them are sealed certainly adds to the value of the collection.

In any event that is a hell of a score.

Have Fun!