Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?

I have read so many good things about the Caliburn but also figured out that this table needs some care (software, o-ring, air suction etc.) To my knowledge they have improved the table over the last three years.

Is there anyone out who has experience with this table besides of audio shows -meaningly having tested the Caliburn with the Cobra and e.g. a Lyra system within a very good chain? Is there any reason not to go for a Caliburn?
There's simply no "best" turntable. I've heard the Caliburn and it is wonderful. We all don't like the same sound so calling any the "best" makes no sense.

I agree with Narrod and Rushton, but I will add that even if you auditioned the top tier of tables simultaneously, with the same cartridge in each, with the same electronics, with the same stand, it would be impossible to make precise comparisons since tracking force, anti-skate, VTA, etc would probably never be exactly the same on all tables. I have heard most of the top tables at shows dating back to 1996 and I have found something to admire in all of them including the Continuum. Could I say with certainty which one is best? No. Only which one I prefer and that could change depending on the system and cartridge in use. If you are going to spend mega $$ on a table and you want to make the right decision, seek out a dealer or an owner, buy a plane ticket, and take some of your favorite LPs and listen for as long as they will permit.

Best of Luck
At the top level you are chosing ergonomics, looks, pride of ownership, and touch and feel. I think with your experience you know that all tables have some sonic signature.

Thuchan, I believe it would be a grand addition to your collection. Also, you should own a Walker for some time to hear what ultra mass designs can accomplish. I would go after the Continuum, the new Goldmund and put a deposit with Andy Payer for the new Rockport.

Rushton, thanks for your advise. I will give Jay a call and tell you about my assessment.

Peter, you are right. I am interested in the technology and maybe Continuum offers more than the simple modern attempts which are in my eyes more a less a marketing campaingn in the top notch.

It is not about spending money but looking for convincing technolgy solutions.

I doubt whether the magnetic field of the Caliburn is an advantage or disadvantage? Some people tend to avoid magnetic solutions due to their possible impact on the cartridge.
Narrod and Elinor, of course you are right too and I do see from your statements you have quite an understanding of analogue business in this segment.

we might see some improvements, also on the design side, in this week. So it is an ongoing journey...