Mac Mini 2011 with Lion or 2010 with Snow Leopard

I know there have been threads that sort of touch on this but not exactly as far as I can tell. I found a response from Darrell from Mach2Music on a previous thread that stated

"1) 2011 Mac Mini > 2010 Mac Mini
2) Stock Snow Leopard > Stock Lion"

So it sounds like the best option would be a 2011 mini with snow leopard. However, as far as I know you can only put snow leopard on a 2011 Mini if you already have a mac. I don't have access to another mac so I am wondering given the choice between a refurbished 2011 mac mini with lion or a refurbished 2010 mac mini with snow leopard which would people suggest I purchase.

As always thanks for the help.
so it turns out some of the dacs i am interested in are interger capable. however, i think that i read that some people were experiencing better or as good sound from 2011 macs despite the fact that the 2011 macs are not integer capable. Ghasley have you A/B your systems as you have both? btw Happy Thanksging to everyone
I have not had the 2011 mac mini in my main rig so i cant give you a side side comparison. Sorry.
Between the Lion and the Snow Leopard on the same spec machine which is a macbook PRO, same amarra version, same dac, same cabling, same songs, here is my observation:

The Snow Leopard is more lively, more detailed sounding, sometimes a bit more agressive.
The Lion on the other hand is more refine, fuller sounding and robust sounding. More relax sounding.
from what i hear is that the newer 2011 mac mini produces less jitter than prior models. if this is true, this is incentive alone to make the witch. also, you don't need to buy an external cd/dvd drive, you can use remote disk to share a device from another mac.