TW-Acustic Arm

TW-Acustic has a beautiful looking arm. Does anyone know what it sounds like?

I think we are both hearing the same things. Your liking the Schroder on vocals makes sense. What is the Schroder 2 FW. I assume model 2 w. F wood??? F being? Love to get some more information on the REED which to me seems similar in many ways to the Schroder but wonder how it translates.

As for the antiskate on the TW, I assume it is something similar to the Schroder twisting th string to exert a progressive back force. For me I didn't hear much difference at different points of the LP for testing. And I did test for this specifically. AS being more of an issue towards the center vs. the beginning. I use minimal antiskate and did the test similar to you. I visually check the arms motion. I also use my ears on that one as it always shows up in the listening.

As for sonics my SQ is amazing. You need a very good offer to get it from me as I love it so much. But it drives me crazy quite often. I won't rotate cartridges on it as each setup takes me hours. You adjust VTA and you lose VTA which loses Azimuth, which changes the Antiskate which changes the VTA again. etc. etc. etc. It is a cycle of trying to get it to lock in. Damping never stays set 100%. But setup correctly the sound is musical and it does something for Jazz and Vocals that no combination that I have tried can do.

The TW arm is right up there with it. Doing almost all the same but exerting more control and showing a greater foundation at the expense of the wonderful musicality/ Color the SQ brings. That is fine with the right cartridge and not with the wrong one. A Koetsu on a Schroder need not apply IME (I tried it w.the Jade...too much of a good thing). I would give a Koetsu a try on the TW. Pairing the incredible control and bass of the TW with the juicy midrange and fluid highs of a Koetsu might be a match in heaven. It is with the Allaerts. It has that similar organic sound to the Schroder but less of the magic. But the music gains foundation. Go ahead and put a Koetsu or an Allaerts on it. Compared to some very popular arms mentioned here (I don't want to criticize any arms) the TW comes closer with the magic than any of them I have tried. But they all can be special with the right cartridge in the right setup. So caveats apply.

All in all, the rules of tonearm pairing remain. It is all about the Cartridge / tonearm synergy. You can't choose a tonearm without considering what cartridge you want to use. The same applies in different degrees to phono stages... and then of course the system in question.

Going to look up about the Audio Origami mentioned above. Curious.
Dgad ,
Schroeder 2 fw is the Schroeder 2 version with reference magnet that is use on dps turntable. Agreed with u on the cumbersome set up.
As for TW my only doubt is how the AS work
As for Reed tonearm ( turntable .it) it is certainly the best looking of the 3 tonearms I have. Suppose to set it up on a reed isolated base (stand alone) n play on Garrard 301. Unfortunately waiting for a DIY PS that is already 6 mths overdue
Anyway, the next tonearm I wish to have is breur or a talea.
How is everyone (who has one) getting on with this arm?

I'm getting one so would be interested to hear from anyone who's had it a while now, and has got to know it, and also how it compares to other arms they've had - or still have?

Also, any quirks or setup advice that owners have found that aren't in the TW setup guide?

TW 10.5 great dynamics macro/micro great stage wonderful fast bass.Beat my old very popular arm by a wide margin.