Cartridge upgrade, something warmer

I love my Dynavector 20XL on a Rega P5 but its a little thin at times. Lots detail and depth but cool. This is matched with a Dynavector P75 all Arcam FJM electronics. Benz Glider, Ortofon Bronze or ????
Maybe I should try a phono preamp first. All suggestions welcome
Ag insider logo xs@2xfourgirls
Get a tube phono pre-amp and dial in your own tone. BTW my Glider is not thin, quite nice in fact. Not too fast, not to slow, not too hot, not too cold, like baby bear's bed it's just right.


What OHMS you running? If you are using 100ohms or less impedence IN YOUR PHONO SECTION.. then (somethinfg else is worng)?? BUT you should lower the impedance to 100 or less.
Most MC sound bright at 47K ohms.... (which is sort of the standard for MM carts... most Phono pres are set for 47Kohms stock 47,000 ohms.)
some phono pres have a switch (my Audio Research SP-15), some you have to swap resistors inside (my Audio Research PH-2) Some you gotta send back to the factory.. (my Bryston BP1.5)
Go down to 100 ohms, even 30 ohms.. the sound get 'less bright' the lower you go. (generally Please please phono geniuses do not crush my tiny ego over limited knowledge)

What do the other three girls think????

I think your cartridge is better then your tonearm/table. Your P75 is really very good as well. I would look into a better table. So many to chose from on audiogon for about the price of a new cartridge. Or I would ditch the Arcam and look for a little tube integrated.