Choosing a new turntable

I've used an LP-12 for more than 30 years, mostly an 80's version with Valhalla and Ittok. I took it in for a tune-up last week and decided that's it, I'm done with this. I want 45 rpm, I don't want to throw more money at the Linn, I want something different.

My budget is $3K or less for table and arm and my inclination is to buy new, though that's not a hard requirement. My current cartridge is a Benz L2 wood body. I like an organic sound. I want an unfussy system (I briefly had a Kuzma StabiS/StogiS a couple of years ago and never got comfortable with it). I want a table I like the looks of. I've read every relevant thread here. I am intrigued by the groundswell of renewed interest in high-torque systems, but am not sure that will make sense given my budget and needs.

It's tough to audition tables, as you know. I'm hoping some of you seasoned vinylphiles can help me understand the kind of sound to expect from the various choices out there. Here's what's currently on my radar:

VPI Classic -- Price is right, buzz is good (though you have to be careful about that). But the table's footprint is a bit bigger than I'd like and I'm told the VPI sound is on the dark side. It's a bit clunky looking in the pictures. Also, I'm quite inexperienced with unipivot arms.

Clearaudio Performance SE (or the new, lesser, Concept). I like the looks of these tables, they seem well made and easy to set up. I've heard Clearaudio is fussy about support and may be hard to get good sound from for that reason. (I have an Apollo rack with a Neuance shelf.)

Well-Tempered Amadeus. Again, lots of good buzz about this new table. But I have heard of some reliability problems and the thing looks fragile and fussy. Also, no cueing lever (though I understand an add-on will be offered), which would drive me crazy I think.

Technics SL-1200 from KAB with some of the KAB mods. This is an entirely different kettle of fish, I realize. Much less money than the others, would give me a taste of direct drive, very easy to use, and I'd probably take advantage of the detachable headshell to play with some other carts. I could put a better arm in it eventually. But I have no idea if the sound I'll get from this table will be even in the ballpark of the others or even of my sub-optimized LP-12.

I suppose Michell and Nottingham should also be in my consideration set. What do you think?

That's it. And before you start flooding me with suggestions for searching out some long-discontinued rarity or DIY project, let me say that I appreciate the suggestions but I'm really inclined to keep this simple and off-the-shelf.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
Hi Dan,

Have you considered the SOTA's? With a little patience you can most likely pick up one of their better models, in used excellent condition with arm, for well within your budget.

I have used an early SOTA Sapphire, with Magnepan Unitrac unipivot tonearm, since I purchased it new in 1983. It still looks and works like new. It is so well suspended that I can literally pound my fist on the plinth with moderate force while a record is playing, with no audible effect whatsoever. And its looks are very classy, with an oak finish and dovetailed corners.

The only downside I can report, which may not be true of more recent versions, is that on slow sustained piano notes I believe I can hear a very slight wow and flutter, due presumably to its use of a servo motor.

Best regards,
-- Al

I did a similar upgrade recently, after having had a pair of older technics and dual tables in my system for years. I ended up going with a VPI scoutmaster. I found it pretty easy to set up and dial in. The build quality is nice and I like the look of it. I'm not sure how it compares to the VPI classic, which seems to be getting a lot of good reviews, but I didn't want to wait several months to find a Classic I could audition.

If you're interested in comparing cartridges you can always buy an extra wand for the VPI arm since they're easy to change (with their unipivot design the wand arm just lifts of the mount once the plug is disconnected).

good luck with your search.
I have an LP12 and am very happy with but about yr or so ago I considered a new table and the one that caught my eye was the Avid Diva II. I looked at the Clearaudio, VPI (although the classic wasn't out then),Rega and Project.
There is no Avid dealer in Colorado that I know of so I was shopping Music Direct. You may see if they will sell with a 30 day return option if you don't have a local dealer. Just another suggestion. As a final side note: I understand the frustration with LP12 but for 3K you can get it tuned and add the Lingo.