MM Cartridge recommendation needed

I just succesfully completed a re-wire of the tone arm on SL-1200, I replaced the stock wires with Cardas litz wires. I also moded the standard cartidge mount to eliminate the cartridge leads. Now the tone wire clip directly to the cartidge and are soldered directly to the ICs. The end result is remarkable.

Currently I am using a Ortofon OM cartridge with an night club E stylus.

On my second (un-moded SL1200) I have ortofon 2M blue, this is much better than the OM but I am relunctant to remove it from its headshell and remount it. This is because it took a while to mounted correctly. I would also like to keep as a reference.

So what has this to do with my question?

I would like to have some recommendations on MM cartrdige to replace the OM. I am looking for something in the range of the 2M blue or possibly a notch above. I was considering the Clearaudio Aurum classic or Alpha.
There are a couple of people over at vinyl asylum who love the Jico SAS-MM1 on their Technics. One of them was saying it betters both his AT440mla and his AT150MLX, that it tracks as well or better and sounds smoother/more natural. And more dynamic than the Denon LOMCs. Maybe you aren't looking for second hand advice, but I thought it'd be worth passing on. I know I'm considering it when it's time to replace the stylus on my 440mla(on my Technics).
I checked out the Jico SAS-MM1 and i appears that Jico is aftermarket mfg of styli, they make a wide range of styli for a variety of brands.

I am looking for a complete MM cartridge. But thanks for tip (no punn intended)

Mofimadness, I will definetly consider the AT150MLX.
I never thought it would be so difficult to get recommendations on MM cartridges. Am I missing something here? Are MC cartridges that much better?
The Jico SAS-MM1 is a CARTRIDGE, not just a stylus assembly.

Here's a link to it:

Jico SAS-MM1 Cartridge

In my opinion, you will find no finer MM cartridge under $750. It's outstanding. Now, if you're looking for audio jewelry to hang off the end of your tonearm - the SAS-MM1 isn't going to win ANY beauty contests!

It's not much too look at, but it sure sounds sweet and it's hands down the finest tracking cartridge I've ever heard in my 30 years of analog.

The fact that it costs a mere $240 shipped is astounding! The only thing I would say is to ditch the SME style headshell it ships in - it's not very good. I've got mine mounted in the stock Technics headshell on my KAB mod'd table.

The link, by the way, is going to take you to a site called "export-Japan" which is the only place you can buy the cartridge from. I ordered and had it at my home within 10 days from Japan.