tonearm upgrade, how far up the food chain?

I currently use a Rega RB 300 upgraded with the Origin Live structural mod (i.e. counterweight) and Incognito rewire. It's on a Thorens TD-850, Grado Statement Reference cartridge. Based on comments here on the Gon, many seem to feel that upgrading the arm should come before the cartridge or table, under the circumstances. How far up the ladder do I have to climb to get a noticeable improvement? And, do arms (that is, their bearings) really wear out, or their performance decline, with normal use? considering midlevel Origin Live arms, given the Rega mount. thanks in advance for suggestions.
I think you should use this formula or close to it:
50% of budget to your table
25% for your arm
25% for your cartridge.
it looks like I am already in the ballpark of the percentages referenced by Nickt. Phono stage is an AR PH3-SE modified by GNSC, which is not bad. Upgraded from an EAR 834P, which was a tremendous improvement.
try that really cool Terminator tangential arm, I want to know what it sounds like but I am afraid to try it first. It looks so cool.
To answer your last question, arms do not wear out with normal use with two notable exceptions. Arms without sealed bearings, when used in an environment with airborne pollutants, such as cigarette smoke and excessive dust can have problems. Secondly, incorrect mounting of the cartridge can cause tortional forces on captured bearings that result in Brinelling (flat spotting) of the bearings, which is why I suggest mounting cartridges with the arm off of the turntable.

I would also agree that the turntable is the engine of sound, as it were, but it can't wear a record. A sticking bearing, poorly polished, or misaligned stylus can. Just some food for thought. I won't get into the audiophile side of things.
Dear Lloydc: IMHO you have a " so so " tonearm and a " so so " phono stage when you have a top rated Grado cartridge that is a great performer and a one that deserve the very best you can get on tonearm/phono stage if you want that the cartridge show you how good is in reality and that today IMHO it can't do it even if you change the TT.

The cartridge/tonearm IMHO is one product not two independent products, a cartridge must be mounted with a matching tonearm not with any tonearm but with the best match for it.
In the other side the phono stage is very critical link in the analog audio chain because is inside this " box " where the cartridge signal must pass to be processed not only to increment its output but to mate the inverse RIAA eq ncesary for a even frequency response, is in this phono stage where the cartridge signal " suffer " in true and where that signal is degraded maybe the most.

The Thorens 850 is a very " decent " TT and for the moment could makes a very good job.

Try to find a removable headshhel tonearm design and a phono stage that can handle ( with out setp up transformers. ) the 0.5mv of your Grado.

Regards and enjoy the music,