Choices: Nagaoka MP-50, MP-300, or Garrott P77i?

Visitor (now ex-friend! ... just kidding ... kind of) castrated my beloved Nagaoka MP-30.
It had an unknown amount of hours on it and was probably due for a new stylus... none-the-less, I'm now in the market for a new stylus. Thank goodness I've got the Jico SAS-MM1 on hand as a backup.

Anyhow - for Rock + Jazz listening, any thoughts on these three?

I can buy a complete MP-50 cartridge, a brand new MP-300 stylus to fit the MP-30 body, or go completely off the deep-end and try a Garrott P77i all for about the same amount of money.

I really liked the Nagaoka MP-30's sound, so the MP-300 stylus SEEMS to make the most sense. A part of me, however, says while I'm doing this I may as well upgrade to the MP-50 or try the Garrott.

The only Garrott I've ever heard was the Optim-S and, while I liked part of it A LOT, I found it a bit laid back in the high-end. Not sure how the P77i would compare and if it might be a bit more "open".
Not to butt into the middle of this, but Raul, you're right about the denotative meaning of the word "ignorant." Here in the U.S., however, the word also carries connotations of "stupid" or "unintelligent." I would not expect a non-native English speaker to know this. Just as I'm sure that if I tried to use my Spanish in Mexico, I would probably start another war.

All the best,
You're right, Bob, and I should have taken the cultural differences into consideration when responding.

I've got no issue with someone saying what they own is the "best ever" as long as they're doing so in the context of THEIR goals. When they overstep to apply their sole opinion as universal fact my radar gets tweaked.

I can't afford to buy dozens and dozens of cartridges and $500 is a big spend for me. I'm not about to base my purchasing decision on one individual's opinion - I can't afford to. What I look for is a multitude of positive and consistent opinions on a product and I then read carefully what their individual findings are. If the product meets my goals in a variety of systems, I'm convinced it will meet them in mine.

What I really take issue with, however, is the derogatory and gratuitous tone of things like,

"You don't have to worry anymore, that Azden top of the line samples already sold. Today the persons that bought it can be proud to own the best quality performance cartridge ever made!!!!!"


"That you prefer to expense more money for a lesser product only means your preference and nothing more... because ( with all respect ) comes from a person with out the right and precise knowledge on the specific subject"

I mean, come on, even Michael Fremer isn't this egomaniacal! Maybe that's a cultural thing too - who knows. Raul seemed to think I was angry, I'm not - I just find it so over the top I can't help myself but to comment on the situation.
Check this out. Google -Remembering The Garrott Bros/AV Forum- It doesn't get any weirder than this...At least in audio. Let us know what you think of the cartridge..I think you'll agree that this 'old school' product will do its job as well as anything.
Dear Vinyladdict: Now that Hesson11 ( thank you, could you give me the right word? even out of the thread. ) put things in prerspective I only want to confirm that that USA means was not my intention.

Btw, many times my form to post/write made/makes think the people that my opinion is and " absolute/universal " opinion but no it is not either my intention, my opinion is only that an opinion like the opinion of any one else.

Normally through my posts I try to help people and that's why I suggest to you the Azden cartridge over the Garrot and not because the Garrot was not a good cartridge ( because is a good one. ) but because the Azden IMHO is way better.

In the last two and a half years many people were testing/trying several vintage MM/MI cartridges ( including the Garrot ), today we know due to those experiences where belongs almost any of these vintage cartridges and the Azden is a newcomer with very high " credentials ". Unfortunately all of these great vintage cartridges are out of productioso when I test one of them and saw it on the net I share/give the great opportunity to other persons to own it because maybe that was the last time we have to do it and this was what I try to share with you.

Why do you have to belieave in one person like me?, you don't. In this regard I want to add that through all these last years on the MM/MI alternative my " sole " recomendation ( normaly the first person that try a cartridge in that thread was(is me. ) almost always was precise and fullfill the expectations on other people. Please I'm not saying that always I'm right or that I'm the " Bible ", no because there are many other opinions on that cartridge subject.
What I can say you is that I'm extremely caress of what recommended to any person on any audio item, my target on any recomendation is that the person lower at minimum his mistake risk that always exist when we add any audio item on the audio system.

Almost always my opinions had/has foundation on facts, I don't like to post based on " imagination " or ignorance,

Certainly I don't compare with Mr. Fremer in anyway.

regards and enjoy the music,