Micro acoustics 2002e Cartirdge and upgrade bug

Hello, I got back into vinyl about 7 years ago and largely have used Micro acoustics 2002e cartridges. I can't remembered how I aquired my first one but I've become accustomed to what I think a fine sound from this cartridge. At the time, it was very highly regarded. I have heard, in other systems, other carts of the likes of the upper-end Grado wood bodies and Shelter 9000 and a few cheaper carts, and I have always felt the 2002e has held it's own against these. Now after a few years, I want to explore new territory and wanted to see if anyone here has had time with the MA 2002e and if they've compared it to other carts. What price range/quality of "modern day" carts would I need to spend to get comprable sound?

I have two phono stages at my disposal: Pass Labs XOno and Dynavector P75 II.

Any input is much appreciated.
Dear Aliu2: A cartridge decision means which budget we have. Top LOMC ones are pricey.

I concur with Dorkwad especially on the Grace F9E and the Clearaudio Virtuoso.

You can take additional cartridge links here on what I posted in other thread:


yes all those cartridges IMHO performs better that your Micro Acoustics.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Dorkwad: Btw, I have not heard in deep the CMMM III but only by brief " moments " but I trust in your opinion about.

regards and enjoy the music,
I don't know about this particular model OP is asking about. But I have Micro Acoustics 630MP with thin beryllium cantilever and nude linear contact tip. It is fastest and most resolving cartridge from my stable. And I have quite a few MM/MI carts discussed in the parallel thread. I also have quite a few TOTL MC cartridges from 70s-80s. It is very fast with exemplary tracking, really hugs the curves with least overhang. The only criticism I can attribute to it to be on gray-scale side on palette. But when when my "digital" friends coming to hear something intensive like White Stripes "Elephant" album I always put it as ultimate in resolution and speed. it is not lacking in smoothness, oomph and goosebumps either.
Raul: I will consider the options you've mentioned. I'd feel comfortable if I kept the next cart purchase below 2000 dollars. Some of those you mentioned wouldn't be attainable for me unless I found a good used deal.

Dorkwad: I largely never felt my setup with the MA 2002e was ever thin- sounding EXCEPT in one instance when I used a cheaper, although somewhat well-regarded, class D amp. It was then only that I the sound was "thinner" and a touch dry, but I attributed that quality to the amp. Nevertheless,like you, I have derived satisfaction from the cart for many years and think it's time to look ahead. Thanks for sharing your experience, and I'll look into those carts you've mentioned.

Sinly123: To me, the MA 2002e sounds refined and airy, and possessing the ability to track some rough vinyl terrain and pickup fine inflections. The most likely problems for mistracking where at times loud piano strikes. Other than that, it's been good. I probably could dial-in the tonearm abit more, but I'm unsure, really. By the way, I ALSO have a pair of MA 530MP's that are a step below your 630. I can't really comment on it much as I haven't done extensive listening to it. Maybe it's time to mount it up again.