Rega 700 rewire

I have a Rega P5 TT, which I have recently done some very worthwhile tweaks to. I have put in the Groovetracer sub platter, counter weights and the Groovetracer Acrylic Platter.
I already have the TT PSU power supply and am looking to get the most I can out of this already great sounding TT. My next place to turn, as I cannot afford to get into the next level of TT's is to think about a higher quality of wiring for the 700 arm. Will I get the same gain in sound quality I have had with rewiring the 700 as I have achieved in the past with the Incognito rewire I had done on my RB 300. What would yo suggest as a good upgrade to the existing wiring from cartridge clips to phono jacks? Any help will be appreciated
Thank you Mofimadness. Do you think the Cardas is the better option for this arm than the Incognito? Thanks again for your suggestions.
I like the Cardas better. I'm pretty sure that the Incognito actually uses Cardas wire in a portion of their rewire kit. Maybe ask Brit Audio about the difference.
Well, I took your advice and have written to Brit Audio about these options and if the Cardas is as good, i will certainly go for it as it is $100.00 cheaper than the Incognito. Again Thank You.