Rega 700 rewire

I have a Rega P5 TT, which I have recently done some very worthwhile tweaks to. I have put in the Groovetracer sub platter, counter weights and the Groovetracer Acrylic Platter.
I already have the TT PSU power supply and am looking to get the most I can out of this already great sounding TT. My next place to turn, as I cannot afford to get into the next level of TT's is to think about a higher quality of wiring for the 700 arm. Will I get the same gain in sound quality I have had with rewiring the 700 as I have achieved in the past with the Incognito rewire I had done on my RB 300. What would yo suggest as a good upgrade to the existing wiring from cartridge clips to phono jacks? Any help will be appreciated
Dear Birdmanpa: IMHO the Cardas one is reference of nothing. This cable is used because people normally does not know something better and in the other side because some tonearm rewiring sources use it but IMHO is not a good cable for this specific and extremely critical place/stage.

I think that if you really want better quality performance from your analog rig through a tonearm rewiring then the Audio Note is way better choice than the Cardas one.

Regards and enjoy the music,
You are correct. The entire kit is made from the Cardas wire.
Is the entire re wire worth it or would just doing the internal Cardas upgrade make a big difference? Does anyone know if the Incognito rewire will make a big enough difference in performance over stock wiring?
Thank you Rauliruegas. I will research this product also and I appreciate your input, as I am fairly new to the mid to higher end area of hi-fi and have a lot to learn.
I agree with Raul. I have rewired my ET2 three times over the years; cartridge clips to phono input jacks, in one continuous run. The Cardas is good, but to my ears considerably behind the Discovery and the Audionote. The Audionote is what I used for the most recent rewire, and it is far and away the best of the four (I include the original Vandenhul silver/copper wire). The improvements in the areas of tonal refinement, detail, openness of the soundstage, and overall clarity were amazing. I can't recommend this wire enough; it is fantastic. $290 for 1.5 meters, with cartridge clips attached.

Suggestion: If you decide to try the AN, it's main disadvantage can be turned into a big advantage. The wire is so thin that it is tricky to work with. However, because it is so thin, you could run the wire externally, and leave your arm's original wiring intact. The extra "drag" of the wire's loop around the arms bearing (external), is completely negligible. Attach your own RCA's and you are good to go. I have never had issues with shielding when using MC cartridges. With MM's, shielding became necessary. If you really want to "guild the lily", skip the RCA's altogether, and solder the wire directly to the input trace on the pre's board, or at least to the back of the input jacks inside the preamp. You will be amazed.
Hi Birdmanpa, The 'identity' is an very difficult notion. So one will assume: 'audio note = audio note'. Alas this is not the case.
There is the British 'Audionote' and there is the Kondo-san
'Audionote' from Japan. The Britons have stolen the 'brand'
from Kondo-san and are 'consuming' the merit of Kondo-san.
If you want the real audionote wire for your tonearm then the price will be more then your tonearm. But you are confused. One needs the riwiring for the Rega 300/250 but not for the 'higher' versions. They are ok. So ,to my mind,
you should put your own money elswhere.