Rega 700 rewire

I have a Rega P5 TT, which I have recently done some very worthwhile tweaks to. I have put in the Groovetracer sub platter, counter weights and the Groovetracer Acrylic Platter.
I already have the TT PSU power supply and am looking to get the most I can out of this already great sounding TT. My next place to turn, as I cannot afford to get into the next level of TT's is to think about a higher quality of wiring for the 700 arm. Will I get the same gain in sound quality I have had with rewiring the 700 as I have achieved in the past with the Incognito rewire I had done on my RB 300. What would yo suggest as a good upgrade to the existing wiring from cartridge clips to phono jacks? Any help will be appreciated
Birdmanpa, I am not a historian but there was some kind of
'Ancien Regime' in the 1970's. Ie the regime of MM carts.
To impress your mates you needed,say,an ADC 25 or Shure V-15. The aim was to get at least 90 Mu, without any buzz in the R channel, from your test LP. You also needed those fragile tonearms such that you was not allowed to breathe
near them . Otherwise you needed to adjust them again.
'The revolution' was caused by SUPEX 900, an MC cart. And since then nobody wanted to be in any way 'associated' with
an MM cart. Only some 'decadent bourgeois' persisted in using them. Probable because they were not able to afford
an Supex.
The 'contra-revolution' started exact on 01.15.08 in our
Forum and was caused by an descendant of E.Zapata. We call
him 'comrade Raul'. You must be a new member because each
and everyone else is ,eh, familiar with the thread about the MM carts. As novice you should read the whole caboodle.
I personaly think that 'comrade Raul' only reestablished
the 'Ancien Regime' but because I like him very much I prefer to use 'revolutionary language'.

Reb1208, The ground wire one can change for $1. Onscrew the pillar plug,onsolder the ground from the left(?) channel and extend the ground wire from there.One will need
an small hole in the pillar plug to extend the wire. But one can of course pay $150 to $250 to somebody else to do this job for him.


Being that you appear to have DIY skills, then just install a DIN at the base. You can keep the internal arm wire as that is the least detrimental to the signal in stock form. Its the Klotz co-axial that absolutely has to go.
As you are mistaken about my skills, Reb, re DIY soldering and wiring, I am having Galen Carol in San Antonio, do a re-wire, with Cardas/Incognito as he has done tonearms for me before and is very good. I have the ability to take TT's apart, and even get them back together occasionally, but I draw the line at wiring. I was tempted to trade up to the P9, but it is very expensive and I can always do it after I have spent some time enjoying the work I have recently done, platter, counter weight, now the wiring, Rega wall mount. Now I only need to find the best cart, for this TT and the EAR 834P Phono Pre. I am about to take some time and advice from Nandric and go back and catch up on the MM/MC revolucion. I own an old Supex 901 Super and think it's great, but I am always looking for somethin better and improvement, I just don't seem to always get it by opening up my wallet.
Thanks to all of you.
Raul, I have been reading some of your MM/MC threads and you obviously have quite a bit of experience. I have using the buy what I saw and what I could afford at the moment, method of building a system. Based on limited knowledge, being a novice, although I have been playing with hi-fi for over thirty years. My system, currently is, Mac 275 tube amp, the modern version, Mac 220-c tube pre, EAR 834P Preamp, Adcom GFA-555 solid state Amp, the tweaked Rega P5, as well as a VPI TT, intro model ,with numerous mods, including Scout platter, upgraded Rega 300 arm, upgraded sub platter and arm board, all acrylic and upgraded bearing. I am using B&W 804 speakers and my music runs from Jazz and Classical to classic rock. I don't have the money to make any significant purchases right now, but I am still looking for the ideal cartridge for my Rega P5, 700 arm, taking into consideration the rewiring and the EAR phono pre. Incidentally I use the Mac tube 275, to run the high end and the Adcom solid state 200 wpc, for the woofers in my bi wired B&W's. Any thoughts? Sorry for the long post but I thought since I am trying to learn rather than using the hit and miss approach I have been using I should get it all out there.
Thanks again