Cart not parallel after Mint LP alignment?


So after reading about 1000 paragraphs on how good the Mint LP Tractor is - I purchased one and had a marathon session yesterday with my new SL-1210 M5G, AT440MLa and Zupreme headshell...

After all was said and done - the alignment itself took 90 hard minutes - I am finding the cartridge sitting about 5-7 degrees "right" of center. The actual cantilever and stylus are about as dead on as I wanna go with it for now.

Now a comment and a question....

Question: Is this non-parallel result in the headshell normal? It's making me think I may have a bent cantilever or something.

Comment: I have run 10-12 sides thru the rig so far and I must say - I have not yet heard the "revelation" that others have described when comparing their alignments to other protractors or even the white Technics alignment gauge. The rig sounds good...but...what I am missing here.

I must temper the above by saying I have changed phono stages frequently in the last month as well...I was getting nicely familiar with a Bellari VP-130 and then moved that for a Cambridge which lasted less than a week and I now have a Moon LP3 with maybe 25 hours on it...Even my AT440MLa might have 40-50 hours on it as well....

I am thinking that a whole bunch of stuff might need to "burn" in before the system starts to really reveal itself.

But I am very concerned with the stylus/cantilever on the cart...even with all the moves the Mint required...I expected the cartridge to sit straight in the headshell...perhaps expecting too much?

Appreciate any feedback.



what is wrong with you? You are on the wrong website and Forum to talk basic common sense. Please check your common sense hat at the door, and put on you "smarter than the average bear" audio hat. Don't you yet realize that a .0005% improvement in sound is worth $5000? That's just how it is.

That said, I do like the MintLP protractors, but I have used them a bunch, and they don't take me very long to set up. I am accustomed to the process. But, as I said earlier, with my latest table and arm, it was basically dead on with the VPI jig, so.....I see your point.

I agree with you wholeheartedly regarding cables as well. Beyond a basic improment on the first level, I do not hear much difference at all as you move up the crazy priced ladder. Don't get me started on power cables, that's just snake oil in a paper cup!!
OOOOOO! You just lost your accolades, VP. Back to school for you. ;-) I won't waste any of my time with ye. Bye.
Hello, VP, please don't dismiss cartridge alignment. There is a precise point where stylus and grove walls interface. This includes azimuth. Follow this link for a printed arc protractor for your choice Lofgren B, Stevenson or Baerwald (considered there as a variation of Lofgren A):

Overhang for each differs (IIRC) by about 2.5mm. Using a two point Baerwald at 15mm overhang, your cartridge may be canted several degrees outboard.
The skeptic doubted Confucious's assertion that a man determined to do so could move a mountain. The philosopher replied he would begin, one pebble at a time. In audio, cartridge alignment is one of those pebbles, and cumulatively significant. If you are willing to devote the time needed to tweak cartridge alignment, you will at the least learn not to use your eyes to listen.
Dear friends: I would like to share my opinion on some different tonearm/cartridge geometry set up subjects.

IMHO the MintLP protractor is not magic or the perfect protractor that per se change what you was hearing through your cartridge.

It sounds different?, certainly. Because is better? certainly NOT.
So what's all about?, many things like: that your non MintLP cartridge set up was wrong, that you like it more the distortions/colorations of what you heard through the MintLP, that through the MintLP set up now the cartridge has a right set up, that even that your non MintLP is right you like more the MintLP trade-offs, etc, etc.

There are almost an infinite different tonearm/cartridge geometry set up, it depends what targets we want to achieve, example: less tracking distortion/error at inner grooves, less tracking distortion/error between null points, average at both " sides ", etc, etc.
We can't achieve the lesser/lower inner grooves distortion/error an at the same time the lesser/lower between null points distortion/error we always have a trade-off.
Now, we can choose between Löfgren A, Löfgren B, Baerwald, Stevenson, Pisha, etc, etc. Which better?, depend what you are looking for.
To make more complex what we choose and before take either equations method we can choose two different parameters necessaries on those equations to make calculations and obtain: both null points, offset angle and overhang, I'm refering to: Inner Groove Radius and Outer Groove Radius.
Any change in these parameters change the final cartridge set up parameters: overhang, offset angle and null points.

To " live " what I'm telling here you can take the Calculator that Timetel linked and compare it against the Calculator that you can find in www.enjoy the

In both Calculators you can find Löfgren choice and if you made calculations taking Löfgren equations you will find different results due that both Calculators even that are for Löfgren has different Inner Groove Radius and Outer Groove Radius.

Some one posted here that with MintLP there is no inner groove distortion, well that he does not heard it not say that the inner groove distortion is there and only goes lower but against higher distortions between the null points: nothing is perfect and this is part of the trade offs I'm talking. Your choice.

My own experiences tell me that if we really take care about trying to be accurate as we can be in the cartridge set up the differences between what " geometry " we choose are really low and don't have to worry which method we have to choose. All them have trade-offs.

Why the MintLP seems to us better when it is not?, IMHO because when we use it what we do we do with more accuracy, example: several other protractors does not fit exactly with the spindle TT where the MintLP fit exactly with no " play " this means accuracy where in other protractors here exist an error tiny error but less accuracy.

The tonearm/cartridge set up is very important subject especially when our audio system has high distortions elsewhere. As lower distortions have an audio system as less capacity we have to discern between different methods on cartridge/tonearm set up geometry.

Now, I agree with the people that say that we have to take more time to enjoy music than on hardware/set up.
Why I agree?, easy: every time we change VTA/SRA we have to reset all what we already do on the cartridge/tonearm set up, every time we change the VTF we have to reset, even when we change the azymuth we have to reset. So when have we time to heard our recordings?

To make it more complex: all of us think that we have to align the cartridge cantilever and not the cartridge body on the protractor and this seems " a priori " the right way to go.
Dear friends please take a cartridge with a tiny ( tiny but significant enough for we can see it by eyes. ) cantilever deviation that when you put on the protractor ( static condition. ) you can see the cantilever deviation. Then run it on any recording and what you can see is that that tiny deviation disappear, that in dynamic way the cantilever maybe for the tracking forces in the recording is automatic aligned!! and what happen with our static protractor set up where we made it with that cantilever deviation but in dynamic status there is no more tiny cantilever deviation!!!??????

Not easy task what we have in this truly analog extremely imperfect world and even in this imperfection we love it!!!

Regards and enjoy the music,
Here is the other Calculator:

at thje end of the page you can download the Löfgrenn Calculator and can compare results against the Timeltel Calculator link.
