Lyra Helikon upgrade

Having lived very happily with my Helikon for 2 years, I am now contemplating an upgrade, the helikon tracks great has bags of detail and imaging. On good recordings it is fantastic, however I would like something a little more full bodied for those recordings that are less than perfect. My TT is an sme 10 with a iv arm. Currently I am interested in the Lyra Skala, and the benz LP is also on my list.
Thanks for any input...
Happy listening
After getting some feedback from Jonathan Carr on this topic, my next cartridge to replace the Helikon will be the Kleos.
I switched from a Helikon to a Delos, and couldn't be happier, it's definitely an upgrade. The ONLY cartridge I would consider replacing it with is a Kleos.
That's very interesting. Curious as to what turntable and phono stage you use?